Watermelon Whole Fruit Popsicles | Nourishing Meals® (2024)

Ali Segersten Jul 09, 201240 comments
Watermelon Whole Fruit Popsicles | Nourishing Meals® (1)

Cool down this summer with homemade fruit popsicles! You'll save money and reduce wasteful packaging by making your own. Plus, by adding in pieces of whole fruit, these healthy treats become quite beautiful and irresistible!

I've made homemade popsicles so many ways! You can puree whole fruit and pour it into molds, use any type of freshly pressed juice, or use mixtures of coconut milk or yogurt and fresh fruit purees swirled together. The other week when we had a whole counter full of freshly picked organic strawberries, I made strawberry fruit pops by chopping up a bunch of fresh strawberries, placing them into the molds and then filling them up the rest of the way with fermented apple juice.

Does anyone else ferment their apple juice or is it just me? We accidentally did it a couple of years ago by leaving the jug on the counter for a few days because there was no room in the fridge. It is so bubbly and delicious, with far less sugar! Now if I buy a glass jug of organic apple juice I always leave it out to ferment, though too long and you begin to get Hard Cider!

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Watermelon Whole Fruit Popsicles

Watermelon Whole Fruit Popsicles | Nourishing Meals® (2)
Watermelon Whole Fruit Popsicles | Nourishing Meals® (3)


12 popsicles

Prep Time

20 minutes

You can replace the watermelon puree with honeydew melon or cantaloupe puree. Use any fresh organic fruit you have on hand. I like using contrasting colors because it makes the popsicles look so pretty! And don't forget to use seedless watermelon.


3 cups pureed watermelon

½ cups blueberries

½ cups chopped strawberries

1 kiwi fruit peeled and sliced

1 peaches diced small (or nectarine)

1 handfuls cherries pitted and chopped


  1. Cut the watermelon into chunks and then puree it in a blender until smooth. Set aside.
  2. Set out about 1 dozen popsicle molds (amount needed will vary depending on size of molds).
  3. Fill each one with the chopped fresh fruit.
  4. Then pour in the watermelon puree until each mold is full to the top.
  5. Place a popsicle stick into each one.
  6. Place into your freezer and freeze for about 6 to 8 hours.
  7. When ready to serve, run the popsicle molds under warm water for a few seconds and then pull each one out. Enjoy!

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Watermelon Whole Fruit Popsicles

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frozen treats popsicles summer blueberry dessert elimination diet fruit snacks sugar-free watermelon recipe

About the Author

Ali Segersten

Alissa Segersten holds a Bachelor's of Science in Nutrition from Bastyr University and a Master’s of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the University of Western States. She is a Functional Nutritionist, the mother of five children, a whole foods cooking instructor, professional recipe developer, and cookbook author. She is passionate about helping others find a diet that will truly nourish them. Alissa is the author of two very popular gluten-free, whole foods cookbooks and guidebooks: The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook and Nourishing Meals. She is also the co-author of The Elimination Diet book. Alissa is the founder and owner of Nourishing Meals®.

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YUM! I coach XC and am always looking for healthy and refreshing post-hard run "treats" for the team. These look awesome and full of the right kind of carbohydrates :)

  • Reply

I don't know if they have this, but years ago, Tupperware had one that worked great! It would be worth looking up.

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Can anyone please recommend a brand name of popsicle molds to buy. Last summer I bought three different types, and they were awful. Wouldn't release the popsicle with out making the stick come lose. Please?

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How about an ice cube tray?

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i will hardly try to make it!! by hook or by crook.. haha .. SERIOUSLY... I WANT IT!!

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almost ;)almost even for me

grandma (55jr)

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Has anyone tried using small paper cups? Tear away as you eat it or insert wood sticks after a bit set.

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Hi Ali & Tom, Tried them today and come out perfectly just like yours though i did a few changes. Made a 3 tier Popsicle! But the idea was all yours and posted a link so many can access your other recipes too!

Here is the link:


  • Reply

Awesome recipe! I shared this on my blog. :) I gave a link and credit to your website! www.jamilaonline.com

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Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I found someone else using your recipe/photo on facebook.


  • Reply

Great idea... with spring & summer here (at least in southern Az). I definately will be playing with this idea. I hate buying sugar filled treats for my kiddo when we have all this wonderful naturally sweet fruits and berries to pick from.

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I cannot wait to make these ! These are pricey, but look to be a similar mold, http://www.goldaskitchen.com/merchant.ihtml?pid=375&step=4

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So glad I found the original (and to think, it only took me 2 minutes on Google, imagine that)! I'm so sorry people keep copying your work - I'll be sure to link back to you whenever I have the chance. Can't wait to try these out with all the fresh fruit we're going to pick this summer!

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Chaille~ Yes this is an original recipe and these are my photos. They have been stolen and copied onto other various websites and Facebook pages so many times since last summer!

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Is this your original recipe and picture, or is it from somewhere else? It popped up on my FB newsfeed, and I always like to find the original source so they can get the credit. :-)

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Can't wait to try this sharing it on my blog tomorrow here http://www.lifelovegreen.com/?p=5997


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Iwant to try this, I mght put some lemon and salt cause I love fruit with lemon and salt :D

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These pops are so fun!!

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Not sure why you make the distinction between fermented cider and "hard cider.". They are the same thing. Fermented means the sugar has turned to alcohol via action of yeast. If you mean turned to vinegar, well that is a whole different process by a whole different set of bacteria. While it may be beneficial in some ways, fermented cider (left on the counter, as unpasteurized cider is full of natural wild yeast) has an alcohol content of about 3-4% after five days, and upwards of 6% or more after two weeks. Hope you don't give much to your kids.

Trust me. I make hard cider often (twice or more per month).

  • Reply

Cara - We hardly ever have juice in our house, but I do buy organic apple juice/cider on occasion for cooking/baking and to let it ferment into a nutritious, bubbly beverage full of beneficial bacteria. I am not sure of the concerns you are talking about.

To everyone that was asking about the popsicle molds: I am actually not sure of the brand because I made these while visiting my mom--they are her molds and do not have a brand name on them. She's had them for years. They are plastic and I am sure not a good type, but I am less concerned using plastic for freezing. Still, you can use stainless steel molds available on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/ONYX-Stainless-Steel-Popsicle-Mold/dp/B003R4AHTK?&linkCode=wey&tag=dg2450-20

madhupamaypop - thanks so much for sharing your post on fermenting fresh pressed cider! How wonderful! :)

Thanks everyone for all the lovely comments, I am glad this post has inspired you to begin making your own whole fruit popsicles!

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I ve looked for the molds at BedBath and Beyond--and on Amazon. They were just not good enough. Either they were too large, were not BPA-free or too expensive with the stainless steel ones ( 40 dollars) What molds did you use for the watermelon whole fruits popsicles. I do not see anything like it online or at the BB&B,, Hmmm....

Laura B

  • Reply

My grandmother used to freeze kool-aid in ice trays and then we would have a bowl of the frozen kool-aid cubes for a treat, while watching her favorite soap operas! Could do the same with this, if you can't find the molds. Or I am sure there are some nice ice cube molds in animal shapes, heart shapes, etc. Just another possibility. Those would also be a nice addition floating in a fruit juice punch. I do like the idea of BPA free. Will look for some.

  • Reply

Tracy, just know that "BPA free" does NOT mean safe. That is only FDA double talk. What they are NOT telling you is that the BPA has now been replaced with a NEW hormone disrupting chemical called BSA, which is even MORE toxic than the BPA, & under the FDA regulations for this NEW patent, they don't even have to tell you about it! So, the only completely SAFE plastic is NO plastic!

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I searched and couldnt find molds anywhere. I finally found some at Bed, Bath and Beyond. They are the reusable ones with plastic bases and sticks. I just made some today, so I'll see out they turn out.

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Wow! Thanks so much for posting this... I'm so excited to try these. Being vegan I use popsicles as a treat but the store bought variety always have added sugar (among other things.) This is perfect!

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Thanks for the idea Ali. I dont have kids so wouldnt have thought of this..but it sure has been HOT so I think us adults will enjoy! I bought some BPA free molds this weekend at TJ Maxx for just a couple bucks so will get started!

  • Reply

Hello! I would LOVE to make these popsicles.. BUT.. I am also looking for those perfect popsicle molds that are small and that I can use those wooden sticks. I have looked through Amazon for this particular size that you have used and cannot find them ANYwhere. I want to make the avocado fig popsicles but cannot find any good molds. Please advise!!

Thanks!! Laura B

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Yes, I do ferment my juice! Here's a blog on our apple harvest last year in Appalachia!!! -- http://madhupamaypop.com/2012/05/27/apple-atcha/

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As my 3-yr old says, "These [look] nutritious and delicious!!!" I can't wait to try making these. They are so beautiful - a perfect summertime allergy friendly treat for kids and parents alike!
Thanks for sharing! - Devin

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Those are almost too pretty to eat! ....almost....

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That looks yummy. I have just bought a watermelon. Will try that.
Thank you :)

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Gorgeous =) Love love love your site and am looking forward to getting myself a gift -- your book!

Keep up the great work

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What kind of popsicle molds did you use?

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Using the watermelon as a base for the popsicles is such a great idea! These are so beautiful. I love just freezing chunks of watermelon, too.

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Those are some of the most beautiful looking popsicles I have seen. What a fun project to do with the kids.
Peace and Raw Health,

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I will have to try fermenting my own apple cider, sounds delicious! I love making popsicles ... I combined cantaloupe juice and strawberry juice earlier this summer and it was delicious!

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Those are fruit popsicle extravaganzas! Beautiful and delicious. What kid (or adult) would not love these, Ali? Thanks so much for sharing the recipe!


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Beautiful! I'm sure I'm way behind the times. We have taken our kids off all juice for many reasons. I was wondering, what cider do you use? Do you worry about the concerns about apple juice or are there not the same concerns with cider?

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These are gorgeous. AND healthy! What a great combination and how fun it must be for the kids to find the treasures (blueberries, kiwi) inside the popsicles. I love this idea.


  • Reply

I ferment apple cider! I, also, did it by accident a couple years ago and continued. It's delicious and much less sweet (all the better!). I keep a half gallon of fermented cider in my fridge and use it for sautes all the time. It hasn't turned hard yet.

I love your whole fruit suggestions...they are beautiful! We just made a pureed ice pop - they are so delicious!

  • Reply

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Watermelon Whole Fruit Popsicles | Nourishing Meals® (2024)
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