Your 3-year-old: Milestones and development (2024)

Your 3-year old is learning his colors and how to count, use scissors, and play ball. He can easily express himself verbally, wants to choose his own clothes, may have an imaginary friend (as well as some real ones), and negotiates his way around boundaries. His eves might be disrupted by bed-wetting or night terrors. Set realistic expectations for him, keep your goodbyes short and sweet, take good care of his pearly whites, teach him party manners, and expand his library. Display his artwork, but don't feel you need to save every brushstroke!

Story time

Picture books are still the mainstay of a 3-year-old's reading diet, but it's a good idea to mix up your child's library. Some tips:

  • Don't overlook nonfiction. There are some great introductory books out there about everything from animals to trucks.
  • Touch on what's familiar. Three-year-olds love to read about things that occur in their everyday life, especially when the main character is a young child (or young animal): going to bed, shopping, cooking, going on vacation.
  • Look to books to combat fears. Ask a children's librarian for titles that help your child face his fears about thunderstorms, for example, or those crazy emotions he can't control, like sibling rivalry.
  • Don't toss the easier books with fewer words, like nursery rhymes. Before you know it, your child will be "reading" them on his own. The repetition helps him learn to relate what he's memorized to the words on the page, an important pre-reading skill.

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Power of play

Three-year olds often work out complicated emotions in their play with animals, dolls, blocks, cars, or other playthings. After a traumatic doctor visit, for example, your child might line up all her teddy bears for shots. If she witnesses a car crash in real life or in a movie, she may repeatedly smash toy trucks together.

Disturbing as this may be, don't interrupt right away. Your child is assimilating the new experience, and play is a safe way to do so. It might help her take the fear out of the situation or make her feel as if she's in control of the scenario.

You might want to join in the play if you notice one particular theme being rehashed over and over. Make a comment that invites your child to think through the next step: "Wow, those bears are getting a lot of shots. Are they sick? Do you think they're happy or sad?"

If your child has nothing but violent themes in her play, you might look at what she's seeing on TV, her tablet, or video games, or consider whether she's been exposed to violence in real life. At this age, the evening news, cartoons, or movies can overwhelm a child.

Nap dropping

Figuring out when to drop the afternoon nap can be tricky. One surefire clue is if your child is consistently lively and resistant to sleep at her usual nap time.

A nice transition is to institute "rest time" in place of the old nap time. Tell your child that she doesn't have to sleep, but she does need to lie on her bed for a while with a book or quiet toy. This gives you a break and lets her recharge her batteries. If she falls asleep, wake her up in half an hour or so. She may need the sleep, but probably not a full two hours' worth.


Three-year-olds love to party. To help your child stay on the guest list, use these early invitations as an opportunity to teach him party manners that will help him his whole life long.

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Make sure he knows the most basic concepts - that the pile of presents is for the birthday kid and not the guests, for instance. You could also role-play some scenarios he might encounter at a party. Pretend you're the host and ask your child to greet you politely, shaking your hand. Practice giving a gift and taking turns at games. If he's a finicky eater, tell him what to say if he's offered a food he won't eat. Praise good efforts and forgive small mistakes. That's the best reinforcement.

Don't forget to model polite behavior yourself. Incorporate "please" and "thank you" into your everyday interactions. Thank the bank teller and the bagger at the grocery store. Show the same good table manners you'd use at a fancy restaurant when you're eating in your own kitchen.

Staying close to distant relatives

The older and cuter (and funnier) your child becomes, the more you probably want to share his wonders with your parents and other relatives. When they live far away, how can you keep the generations close? Some ideas:

  • Start a private family web page where everyone you give access can add photos and news. Include a special blog about your child: "Ryan's World," for example.
  • Start a snail-mail chain letter between your child (with him dictating his part to you) and the relative. Waiting a few days or weeks between installments builds excitement.
  • Ask your parents to record themselves reading some favorite books to your child, so he can play the tape and share "time" with Grandma and Grandpa.
  • If possible, send video as well as still images to your parents. Short snippets can usually be e-mailed.
  • Set video chat dates for your child and distant relatives. You might prep your child by having her prepare a little something to share. Have her tell about her favorite book or share a new stuffed animal, for example.

Tooth care

Your child probably has a full set of primary teeth. (The last of these, the second molars, usually come in between 23 and 33 months.) Though these baby teeth won't begin to fall out until 5 at the earliest (and more typically at age 6 or 7), it's important to keep them clean and cavity-free.

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Teeth are vital for proper chewing, and baby teeth create spaces for your child's permanent teeth. Unchecked infections or cavities (even in baby teeth) can result in the erosion of gums and supportive ligaments, potentially leading to permanent tooth loss.

If your child hasn't seen a dentist yet, it's time to set up a visit. She'll reinforce good brushing and flossing habits, discuss dental sealants to prevent cavities in baby teeth, and deal with any cavities that have already appeared.

Pleasant goodbyes

Leaving your child for the day or evening can be tough. Parents often have separation anxiety too - and sometimes a parent's anxiety can fuel it in the child. If your child is having a hard time saying goodbye, you might want to examine your own attitude toward parting. You could be inadvertently causing a problem if:

  • Your goodbyes take more than a minute or two and involve many hugs and kisses, tips, and reminders to the sitter or the child.
  • You leave and then return quickly just to check on your child or give one last kiss.
  • You ask, "Will you miss me?" or are visibly emotional about leaving.
  • You provide complicated explanations for why you have to go and make elaborate promises about what you'll do together when you get back.

Your child's sharp antennae and busy imagination will pick up on your cues. A cheerful, confident attitude goes a long way in making partings pleasant. Keep in mind that it's healthy for a 3-year-old to spend time in the company of other adults, so by making goodbyes short and sweet, you're doing him a big favor.

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Little chatterbox

No more games of charades to decipher what your child wants. Thanks to his improved diction and amazing grasp of grammar, you should be able to understand more than three-fourths of what he's saying now. He uses longer sentences (three or more words) and a growing vocabulary (300 to 1,000 words - too many for you to count) to make himself understood.

Your budding conversationalist loves to talk and sing. Lengthy verbal turn-taking is a hallmark of this age. He'll be able to answer simple questions and also ask questions of his own.

Sometimes he cares less about the answer than keeping the conversation going. He'll begin to describe what he's seeing or doing and is starting to use words to reason things out. You'll notice him using more adjectives (the big red car) and correct verb tenses, adding "s" and "ing" when necessary. He may still have trouble producing some sounds, especially r, l, s, and th.

Night terrors

When your cries in fright during the night, don't assume it's a scary dream. There's another kind of event that can wake children, called night terrors.

Night terrors occur when a child moves from deep sleep to a lighter sleep, usually between 10 p.m. and midnight. Your child may sit up in bed and scream or fling himself around, sweating and breathing hard. Even though his eyes are open, he won't be awake or responsive to you. In fact, it's often difficult to wake someone in the middle of night terrors, so don't try. Just stay with him to make sure he's safe. He won't even remember the episode the next day.

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(In comparison, nightmares happen in a stage of light sleep later on, often in the early morning. Children may cry or call for help. They may run into your room, sharing details of the horrible monster that was chasing them. Or they may not be sure what upset them. With a little comforting, they'll usually relax.)

Night terrors run in families, and children who are overtired or agitated are more susceptible. Most outgrow the episodes in the early elementary years.


Even if your child is mostly potty trained during the day, don't be surprised if it's a different story at night. This is normal. Daytime and nighttime dryness are separate potty training milestones and may happen months, or even years, apart.

Bed-wetting is very common, especially up to age 7. The most important thing to remember is that bed-wetting is involuntary – your child can't control it. Just like the timing of her first tooth, nighttime dryness is a matter of physical development and can't be rushed.

For now, have your child wear training pants or washable or disposable underwear designed for kids who wet the bed, and be ready with dry sheets and pajamas to deal with nighttime accidents. Stay calm and be comforting when they happen. If she gets upset, reassure her that it's not her fault.

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Bed-wetting almost always goes away on its own. It just takes time.

Time for yourself

You know that having time to yourself is an important way to recharge. So why do you feel so guilty and selfish about leaving your child to have fun on your own? It's good for your child to see you doing things you enjoy, and it's good for her to have other caring adults in her life.

Explain where you're going and what will happen (that a babysitter will watch her, that she'll have a bath and a story before being tucked in, and that you'll come in and kiss her when she's asleep), and then go have fun!

Playing ball

Some call it the perfect toy. It doesn't require batteries, you can play just about anything with it, and chances are, you already have several at your house. What is it? A ball.

Your 3-year-old doesn't know that playing catch and kicking a ball build hand-eye coordination and work out the fine-motor and gross-motor skills that will help her as she learns to do everything from hold a pencil to ride a bike. She just knows that playing with a ball is a blast.

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At 3, your child can probably kick and throw - both underhand and overhand - pretty well. Doing it with good aim is another thing. And catching is a bit harder. Most children aren't truly coordinated catchers until they're 10 years old. For now, they may be able to catch a large ball with both arms out in front of them, particularly if the adult has good aim. The next step? Catching the ball with elbows bent. But it may take another year or two to get this down pat.

Catching skills vary greatly at this age. Some kids channel Golden Glovers from the start. Others need more practice or are much more timid. Playing catch with a large, soft, squishy ball or a partly inflated beach ball is a good idea for this age group - it's easier to grab and less scary when it hits your child.


Next time you say "no" to one of your child's requests, don't be surprised if she marches into the next room and asks your partner the very same thing. In their quest to define boundaries, 3-year-olds get to be clever about testing all the limits.

They also start doing lots of negotiating: One more big bite or one more little bite? Does a lick count as a bite? If one parent said no, might the other say yes? (You can best avoid that last scenario by having clear, consistent family rules; even so, be prepared for a wily and persistent little negotiator to get around you on smaller matters. If it happens, point out your disapproval to your child – and your partner – and explain why.)

Using scissors

Some parents feel skittish about putting a pair of scissors into a 3-year-old's hands, but most threes are ready to try. Learning to cut promotes fine motor development by exercising the muscles in the hands and honing hand-eye coordination.

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Most 3-year-olds can cut across a piece of paper. At around 3 1/2, they can cut straight lines, staying within a half inch of a guideline, and may even be able to cut out a circle. To practice:

  • Have your child sit at a table when cutting.
  • Teach her how to hold the scissors correctly.
  • Make sure you get a good pair. Blunt, child-size scissors are the safest starters, but some safety scissors or plastic ones barely get through the paper or they stick closed.
  • Draw thick, straight lines on a piece of paper for your child to follow. Use thicker materials to cut through at first (thin cardboard or manila folders), then move on to construction paper and finally regular paper. She'll be snipping snowflakes in no time.

If your child has trouble managing scissors or you don't have safe ones, let her try picking up objects around the house with a pair of tongs. The motion is the same as with scissors - open, close, open, close.

Disrupted sleep schedule

Family vacations can be grueling if your child's sleep habits get disrupted. Remember that it took only a few days to get off track (staying up later, coming into Mom and Dad's bed in the middle of the night). Likewise, your child can get back on track in the same short space of time if you're clear about your expectations and persistent about enforcing them.


Your ever-more-independent child is probably starting to develop some friendships. But don't be surprised if, when you ask who her friends are, she recites her entire preschool class list. She doesn't fully understand the meaning of friendship yet. She may have favorites, but to her a "friend" is pretty much anybody she spends time with.

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Three-year-olds can play cooperatively with others, but usually not for long. A successful playdate might last less than an hour. Many 3-year-olds continue to play alone but near other children or cooperate briefly and then move on to their own activity. Long interactive play sessions will probably start next year. Some shy children will need several "dates" to feel comfortable with another child.

Although your child probably seems much less self-centered than she did a year ago, she's still struggling with sharing. A 3-year-old's way of saying "I'd like to play with you" may be to grab a toy from a playmate or even give him a shove.

Some kids may be able to resolve conflicts themselves, but most will still run to a grownup for help. Here's your chance to teach about sharing and taking turns: "Why don't you let Jimmy have the bucket first? Then it's your turn." Most kids this age, just learning the art of negotiating, are willing to accept such compromises.

"Hate" and "love"

"Hate" and "love" may be your child's two favorite words: "I hate peas!" "I love soccer!" Take them with a grain of salt - don't run out and buy those cleats and knee pads just yet. Your child likes to experiment with these strong words because they help her define who she is.

Imaginary friends

Been asked to set an extra place at dinner for an imaginary friend yet? As many as half of 3-year-olds have a pretend buddy. These phantoms don't mean your child is lonely or maladjusted. In fact, kids with imaginary friends are more likely to grow up to be creative, cooperative, sociable, independent, and happy.

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An imaginary friend can be human or animal and usually comes with a name and distinct personality. Part confidant, part playmate, part protector, and part scapegoat, they help kids practice relationship building and let them be in control for a change. A pretend friend can be a child's way of handling an increasingly demanding, expanding world.

Watching your child's interactions with her imaginary friend can give you useful insights into her fears and stresses. If her imaginary playmate is afraid of monsters under the bed, then your daughter may be, too.

Although it's wise to be respectful of your child's imaginary friend, try not to get involved in the relationship. For example, avoid using imaginary friends as a way to manipulate your child ("Harvey ate his peas, why can't you?"). Instead, follow her lead. She knows deep down this is an imaginary creation, and it can be a bit alarming to her if you buy into it too readily.

These extra members of the family usually disappear by age 7, as your child becomes immersed in the very real-life world of school.

Realistic expectations

Having a 3-year-old can make you proud and completely nuts all at the same time. Because your child's verbal skills and physical abilities have expanded so much since her wobbly 2-year-old days, it's easy to fall into the trap of expecting more from her than she can always deliver.

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Progress is gradual. Although 3-year-olds sound and look capable of much more now, social and emotional maturity take time to develop - and that means lots of patience on your part. She still has faulty logic and a healthy ego. She thinks the world revolves around her - as it should at this age.

Learning colors

Three-year-olds are beginning to learn colors. They can usually point to a color when asked and may be able to name four or more by midyear. Some fun ways to help them nail this skill:

  • Weave color references into everyday conversation. "What color shirt do you want to wear today?" "Let's find a white car." When you're reading, ask him to find the red bird on the page, or ask him what color the duck is.
  • Mix it up. Make clay or cookie dough, and divide it into several bowls. Add a few drops of different food coloring to each and knead it in. Then experiment with mixing the colors together. "What do you think will happen if we mix the yellow and the red?" Another fun idea: Put water in fancy clear bottles and have your child add food coloring. Put the bottles on the windowsill and let the sun shine through.
  • Introduce sorting play. Most 3-year-olds start the year sorting according to their own whims rather than by color or size. But it's not too early to give him a shot at color coordination: Get some blocks in different colors and ask your child to sort them into piles by color. Or let him help you sort socks by color. It's fun to see the wheels turn in his mind as he solves the problem in his own way.
  • Make colors appear out of thin air. For a real crowd-pleaser, dangle a prism in the sunlight. (Many gift shops sell inexpensive hanging prisms.) The rainbows dancing on the walls will delight your child, and you can point out the colors that make up a rainbow.

Display her work

What to do with your budding artist's vast body of work? It's impossible (or at least impractical) to save everything. Pick your favorites and toss the rest when your child isn't looking. Do put up a few drawings on the refrigerator and leave them there for a while. Have an occasional show of her work (hang it on an indoor clothesline, or tape it to the wall using painter's tape). Or frame and hang a favorite masterpiece and switch it out every so often.

Now that he's no longer living in the moment and can better remember what he's done in the past, your artist is able to feel pride and accomplishment in his work: "Hey, look what I can do!"

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Ask most 3-year-olds how old they are, and they'll proudly raise the correct number of fingers. Your child is starting to realize that those fingers he's holding up correspond to a number that has actual meaning. Don't be surprised if "three" is his favorite number - and the answer to every "How many?" question - for a while!

Most 3-year-olds can count to three and know the names of some of the numbers up to ten. Your child is also starting to recognize numbers from one to nine. He'll be quick to point it out if he receives fewer cookies than his playmate.

Although your child may only be able to count one or two blocks or trucks now, by the end of this year he'll be counting up to four or five. Counting without seeing what's being counted (2 + 2 = 4) is harder still, usually not accomplished until closer to kindergarten.

The best way to build math skills is to incorporate counting and sorting into your day. Count the number of squirrels you see as you walk or the red cars you pass on the road. Let your child touch objects as he counts.

Choosing clothes

Parents get into battles with their kids about clothes all the time - but unless it's a special occasion, you don't need to bother. Let your child pick from a drawer or set of clothes you choose. Mismatching doesn't matter - he's too young to worry about the fashion police.

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Choosing his own clothes is a chance for him to make decisions for himself and be creative. Give a general guideline - "It's cold today, so you need to wear a sweater" - then let him pick the one he wants.

Look ahead to 3 ¼ years

Your 3-year-old: Milestones and development (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.