GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (2024)

Mon June 1, 2024: Ava plays dirty, Josslyn comforts Trina, Nina does some eavesdropping, Alexis makes a big move and Jordan shares intel with Drew.

Friday’s GH recap: Ava Wants Laura as a Character Witness in Court, Jason Makes Carly Back Off and Blaze Questions Kristina’s Maternity Leave

At Crimson, Nina wants three editors to make an appearance in Paris on Fashion Week.

Drew complains that it’s not necessary and too expensive.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (1)

“Pick one,” he says. She snipes that it’s preposterous. They argue and she calls him obtuse.

Alexis interrupts. Nina thinks Drew should do his job instead of worrying about hers.

Alexis wants to meet with Nina now.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (2)

It’s important. Nina says she’s busy. She looks at Drew pointedly.

“Or have you forgotten that I’m your boss.” Alexis tells her she’s not anymore. And they’ve no contract.

Alexis tells them she is going back into law.

They congratulate her though Nina’s exasperated. She leaves to tell Adrian DeWitt he’s being promoted to acting Editor-in-Chief.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (3)

Drew thinks Alexis should feel proud of her work on the magazine.

He thanks her for letting him watch her cut Nina down to size.

They high five over how much fun it was for him to watch.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (4)

In her office at Deception, Maxie talks to Scotty and Lucy about Natalia’s provisions to Blaze’s contract.

Lucy is annoyed by Natalia’s micro-management and then hopes Lois doesn’t screw things up with Home and Heart.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (5)

Lois walks in. “I thought that was your job,” she quips.

She tells them Brook Lynn can’t make it in today. Maxie lets Lois everyone’s raving about her work.

Lois thinks it’s funny that people have been mistaking her for Blaze’s mama.

Natalia walks in, not happy to hear that. Lois bends over backwards to explain why it’s so fun for her.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (6)

Krissy and Blaze say goodbye after talking about how her mom may not have her best interests.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (7)

Sonny takes Averry to the Metro Pool.

She rushes to greet Joss while he talks to Gio about how things are going.

Gio loves living at the Quartermaine mansion and tells him that Joss and Trina moved to an apartment on the Q grounds.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (8)

He goes back to work and Sonny takes Joss aside.

He doesn’t want her to give her Gio’s personal views on what she thinks about Sonny.

Joss hasn’t and won’t. She admits she regrets talking to Kristina about him.

She’s entitled to illusions about her dad.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (9)

Ava gets the door to Trina, who she thought was room service.

Trina has the printer proofs for the art opening.

Ava takes a look at the documents and says they’ll have to redo them.

Trina will relay the message.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (10)

Ava asks if she can tell her everything Joss has ever told her about Sonny.

Trina doesn’t know much.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (11)

Ava explains she thinks Sonny’s going to go for full custody and she needs Trina to be her eyes and ears so she can fight him.

“He wants to take my baby, Trina. I can’t let that happen.”

Trina’s sorry but Joss never talks about her dad. The most she can do is help more at the gallery.

Ava thanks her and Trina walks off, sadly.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (12)

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Alexis visits Kristina at home and tells her all about quitting The Invader.

Krissy’s sorry for Nina since Alexis was so good at her job.

Alexis shrugs it off. She’s got that pest as the editor now.

They decide to celebrate with orange juice.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (13)

Krissy goes to get some and adds it to champagne flutes as her mom asks why she has all the resumes.

She’s looking for a replacement for her maternity leave and says there are some great contenders but it’s ironic the center is opening as she’s taking a leave when she’s due in August.

Alexis asks if she doesn’t feel entitled to maternity leave.

Krissy does which is why she’s looking to replace herself.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (14)

Still, she’ll be giving birth to a baby she’s been carrying for nine months that was never meant to be hers.

She breaks down, her voice cracking.

She knows this is exactly what she and Sam warned her.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (15)

Krissy says her hormones don’t know this baby isn’t hers.

Will the baby miss her when her sister is bringing her up?

Tears streaming down Alexis’ face as Kristina admits she can’t help but think of what will happen to her.

Alexis says nobody expects her to act like nothing happened. Krissy knows but she’s questioning everything.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (16)

Her due date is Molly and TJ’s due date.

She dries tears and Alexis calls it her due date.

Kristina’s sorry.

She’s spinning out a little. Alexis hugs her daughter. “It’s okay, baby.” Alexis is proud of her for having the biggest heart.

She’s having TJ and Molly’s baby and opening a LGBTQ+ community. Krissy credits her parents for loving her.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (17)

Blaze wanders into Maxie’s office and overhears her mom and Lois talking about people mixing Lois up with Natalia.

Blaze thinks it’s great, in fact, they always ask her if Lois is her mother. Lois laughs.

She was just saying that. Lucy wraps the discussion up and gets the chatter back to her.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (18)

She tries to pat herself on the back but Maxie reminds her how terrible she was while Lois is warm and approachable.

Natalia interrupts to finish off her daughter’s contract.

They sit down to discuss and are happy with everything and are happy to accommodate the addendum to her contract.

Lucy snarks that it’s the fourth time they’ve tried to satisfy Natalia.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (19)

Natalia stands by her actions which have brought her success.

Scotty hands out the new version of the contract and they all read it. Natalia calls it awful and not what they agreed to.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (20)

Natalia doesn’t like video interviews. Scott welcomes her to the 21st century.

Lucy explains it’s a way to build followers.

Maxie keeps getting notifications on her cell phone. Natalia asks her to turn it off but Maxie thinks it’ll settle down.

Deception’s trending, Lucy says. The phone doesn’t stop so Maxie finally takes a look at the news article.

“Oh my God,” she exclaims, staring at Natalia.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (21)

Jordan pokes her head into Drew’s office.

She’s just back from DC where she heard rumblings that he was running for Congress.

Drew puffs up his chest, ready to tell her he’s getting his name changed and printing up yard signs before the Fourth of July and he’ll start then.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (22)

Jordan finds him full of surprises.

She asks if he plans to win. He launches into how he’ll do his best and offers to talk about his platform.

She says he’s up against Chelsea Grimes. Jordan doesn’t like her as a serious candidate but her campaign is picking up steam.

The woman must be stopped so Jordan tells him to start campaigning with or without merchandise or yard signs.

Nina interrupts to tell Drew she can manage with less editors and photographers when she spots Jordan. Nina apologizes for the interruption.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (23)

Jordan’s got to leave anyway. She congratulates “Congressman Quartermaine” before she goes and Drew gives Nina two editors and two photographers.

She thanks “Mr. Quartermane,” and he smiles.

They discuss her backing his run for Congress and he laughs that his head is spinning with the compliments.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (24)

She realizes the Invader will survive with Adrian at the helm.

If she knew what she was doing, she’d offer to be his campaign manager.

He questions why she’d help him. She says they’re getting along and Willow idolizes him. It could help her cause.

She’s desperate to have a better relationship with her daughter but she does believe in him. She thinks he’s preferable to his opponent.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (25)

Trina arrives at Metro Court pool and finds Joss. She says not to look up but Ava’s room overlooks the pool and she just asked her to get dirt on Sonny from Joss.

Ava’s a close friend but the Ava she’s been seeing lately is the one Spencer used to talk about.

Trina thinks if they go to court, it’ll be ugly. Trina’s staying clear but feels bad for Avery.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (26)

Joss goes back to work and Trina shows Gio the proofs for the announcements for the new gallery opening.

He takes a peek at them, surprised he’s being showcased by name. He credits Trina who hopes she spelled his name correctly.

Gio’s so lucky to have met so many nice people so fast.

He gets back to work and Trina smiles after him.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (27)

Adrian goes to see Ava at Metro Court.

She asks what he knows about Natalia and calls her controlling, and insufferable and not politically correct.

He got the audio file she sent but hasn’t had time to listen.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (28)

He takes it out of his vest and plays it.

Adrian’s shocked at how much of a bigot she is about gay people and seems to feel happy for the scoop.

va smirks, knowingly. It’s the real deal.

He can use it however he likes but says to leave her name out of it.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (29)

He realizes her daughter is the new face of Deception.

He’s thrilled with the smear campaign and tells her to send it to the tip line.

The story will go live today. He kisses her hand and goes.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (30)

Ava stops by Metro Court Pool. Avery’s happy to see her mama. Joss stares while Sonny doesn’t give Ava the time of day. Joss invites Gio to help her with something. Joss invites Avery to get ice cream with Gio.

The three take off and Ava says she’s been watching them from her balcony.

Avery’s becoming a strong swimmer. Sonny doesn’t turn to her. He doesn’t want to see her face anywhere.

Ava warns him that if he tries to get sole custody, it’ll be far worse for him than he ever imagined. He glares at her. Is she threatening him.

She thinks he’s forgotten who she is. She’ll do what it takes to get her daughter to stay with her. His history is worse than hers and he can’t afford the type of trouble she can make for him.

GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (31)

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GH Recap: Ava Helps Adrian Out Natalia as a Bigot For The Invader, Which Maxie Reads While in Contract Talks With Natalia (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.