Spearcrest Knight (Spearcrest Kings #1) (2024)

Seraphyna˚₊‧ʚ♡ɞ‎‧₊˚ (semi-hiatus)

158 reviews120 followers

February 2, 2024

Ok I'm pushing it with the 2 😕.... but I guess I somewhat liked it to not rate it a 1.

Me reading Evans POV:
Spearcrest Knight (Spearcrest Kings #1) (2)

Me reading Sophies POV:
Spearcrest Knight (Spearcrest Kings #1) (3)

Going through a burnout rn due to exams... I need a dark romance to wake me up. Hopefully this is good heard some good things about this series <3


52 reviews3 followers

December 10, 2023

first i wanna say that i signed up for this arc because of a friend and honestly i regret it. this book was a hot mess. the reason evan picks on sophie is absolutely ridiculous and it could’ve been avoided entirely. also i need authors to learn to write male characters with cold personalities because im sick of the casual misogyny and objectification. sophie is not an object and neither are any other women its so aggravating to read that. evan was just so creepy and unlikeable its mind blowing he has no concept of boundaries. zachary was one of the only normal and likable characters so i just didn’t enjoy reading this. evans apology was sh*t and sophies an idiot for accepting it, so i think bully to lovers just isn’t my trope because i did not like this book in the slightest.


211 reviews67 followers

November 21, 2023

unfortunately enjoyed it more than i thought i would. these idiots are very “barbie has a great day every day. ken only has a great day if barbie looks at him.” coded.

    3-star-okay-reads enemies-or-rivals-to-lovers light-hearted


45 reviews20 followers

February 12, 2024

Some of the things Evan did to Sophie:

.„Countless trays flipped, countless plates of food thrown at my face. Countless uniforms ruined. Notebooks wrecked, pens snapped, handfuls of dirt shoved into my backpack, my pockets, down my back. Hurtful words, unbearable humiliations, litanies of insults and mockeries“

After a couple of chapters, I thought he was finally going to redeem himself, but what does Evan do??
He betrayed her trust by reporting her for having a job, through her financial issues in her face, and the cherry on top, he humiliated her for having sex with him 😭💀

And then he has the audacity to say:

"This is me we're talking about! I never treat girls like sh*t, My parents raised me to be a f*cking gentleman“

Ngl the book was entertaining enough, and surprisingly, Sophie had a backbone 🤨

He also gave me mayor Xander vibes from RES 💀

This was my first ever br with my pretty girl Sera 🫂💖


483 reviews1,166 followers

June 25, 2023

a bully romance where the fmc is not a doormat and doesn’t tolerate the mmcs bullsh*t claims??? almost LOVE TO SEE IT

    crying-screaming-shaking therapy-babe-therapy why-do-men

ella :)

83 reviews24 followers

October 22, 2022

i loved this book. was evan a tad overdramatic? yes. did i love absolutely every second of it? obviously.

i love sophie so much. she reminds me of myself. she keeps a tough demeanor on the outside but lets her personality truly shine around the few people she is comfortable with. she’s sarcastic and honestly kinda bitchy. not bitchy in a bad way, bitchy in a super funny and awesome way. that was probably a contradiction but it makes sense in my head.

the only problem i had with this book was the reason evan bullied sophie and how long it took them to truly talk it out but in the end but it was ALL WORTH IT. evan’s rants to sophie about how sorry he was made my heart melt.

can we also talk about zachary and theodora? i commented about the couple on aurora reeds most recent tik tok and she replied with how they’re going to be the main couple in book three! i can’t wait. zachary is everything i look for it a guy. a nerdy man who has wisdom and values morals? sign me the f*ck up. i feel like he’s going to be a great communicator which evan failed to be for the first half of this book. but that’s okay, i love evan anyway.

smut was great too. there wasn’t an overbearing amount of it but when it did show up, it was perfect. awesome read.


423 reviews347 followers

September 21, 2023

evan knight my unserious delulu baby girl prince<3 not a single thought on his mind but sophie (as it should be, best girl in the universe fr🤞❤️‍🩹🫂)

need an epilogue of them so BAD u don’t understand😭 4.25 stars

    my-best-book-girls not-5-star-but-still-gave-me-buzz

steff ౨ৎ

203 reviews749 followers

September 13, 2023

3.25 stars ☆ evan being delulu was honestly entertaining


204 reviews4 followers

October 30, 2022

This didn’t read like a romance to me, so let’s go over the reasons why.

1.) I understand that Evan wasn’t supposed to be smart, but his reason for bullying Sophie was really just next level stupid.

2.) Why did Sophie continue to like him all those years? There was no chemistry between these two

3.) Any time they would have a “romantic” moment, it would always be when they’re drunk. That’s not romance.

4.) Evan’s apology/grovel makes me want to burn my eyes. He doesn’t apologize to Sophie because he genuinely feels remorseful for ruining her life, but so she’ll forgive him and date him.

5.) I really wish we got more of the secondary characters. Sophie’s friends and Zachary and Theodora were the highlight of this book. I want to applaud them for laying into Evan and spoon feeding him the reasons why Sophie (his bully victim) hates him. I would not have the patience.

6.) I want to say I’m mad at the ending, but Evan truly did not deserve a happy ending. Good on Sophie for not folding and making him work to earn her trust, but because they didn’t get together at the end and because there was no lovey epilogue, I can’t classify this as a romance.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


1,345 reviews

Shelved as 'dnf'

February 22, 2024

Got to 3% and could tell this wasn’t going to work for me. The conversations are inane and the descriptions are cringe … and the 2nd chapter we get the heros POV and he immediately tips his cards. He’s a simp. Why can we not have even the tiniest bit of suspense???

Also - this is super nit picky even for me… but… the girls are all super besties… hanging out during lunch on the first day of school and talking to each other like they haven’t communicated in months. 👀 Giving a “what I did this summer” rundown as if they aren’t all teenagers attached to their phones. I mean are you trying to tell me that a teenage girl would meet a cute boy while on vacation and not text their friends IMMEDIATELY? 👀 Come on. 🙄 And they talk about the most popular hot guy group as if they’ve never discussed them before… these girls are best friends… they don’t already know who their bestie’s “secret” crush is?? Has this author never spent time with teenage girls?? I’m confused.


This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Valerie 𖨆♡𖨆

134 reviews5 followers

October 5, 2022

Ummm theres so many issues with this
Evan is so unlikeable like why does he want to get aggressive with her AND ALSO CHOKES HER?? And also the whole excuse for why he acted that way towards Sophie is really dumb, why couldn’t he just beat up Luca wayy before everything? HOW DOES SOPHIE STILL LIKE HIM AFTER HE EMBARRASSED HER INFRONT OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL AND MAKE HER LOSE HER JOB AND EVEN AFTER HE DID THAT HE ACTED SO DUMB AND WAS ALL EMO AND WHEN SHE DOESN’T ACCEPT HIS APOLOGY he’s all like “say it like you mean it 🥺 stop acting like this 🤬” LIKE HELLO?? Also Sophie makes me mad for still falling for him, honestly I was just waiting for the day she slaps him or punches him, also how many times has Evan grabbed her arm when she wants to walk away?! I lost count
Evan sucks at groveling and Zach is the only sane one and he carried this even if he made small appearances
This book was so dumb I couldn’t put it down but it does not take away the fact that this was a waste of my time



466 reviews85 followers

March 15, 2023

DNF at ~50% 🤷

Couldn't bring myself to care about this characters 😂😴 plus, the story and conflict are soo lame ☠️

    bully_romance highs_and_lows_of_high_school


216 reviews30 followers

September 19, 2023

3.5 ★

smart girl x dumb popular guy always gets me idk what to tell you


43 reviews6 followers

September 20, 2023

evan was so pathetic and delulu and obsessed with sophie throughout this book 😭😭

    bully enemies-to-lovers high-school-romance


187 reviews

September 5, 2023

this book was degrading and vile to read. i loved it! tormenting is the new way to flirt, i guess.

the toxicity of sophie and evan’s dynamic and relationship was definitely incessant. their banter gave me whiplash more than anything to be completely honest. how sophie never once throttled evan’s neck is truly beyond me.

just… throw away your moral compass before you start reading because it will point you directly to hell by the end of the book if you keep it with you.


335 reviews230 followers

August 21, 2023

3 stars. Friends to enemies to lovers trope you'll always be loved by me.

"If I win, will you let me kiss you again?"
"You don't have to win for that."

So.. Sophie Sutton and Evans Knight used to be friends when they were younger, he was her only friend when she arrived at Spearcrest Academy but soon became her bully like everyone else because she was the poor girl in a school full of rich kids. Now, in their last year, she has to be mentoring him in English Literature because he's failing his class and they finally face the reason their friendship ended and the unspoken feelings they had for each other.

Sophie Sutton isn't the generic smart but boring main character, okay.. compared to Rose and even Theodora I think she will be the less interesting one but she still has personality, a smart mouth and she works so hard for her future career so I just don't think for a moment she is boring. And Evan Knight, well I have mixed feelings about him because one moment he's such a book boyfriend and in the next, he behaves like a 5-year-old that doesn't get what he wants and can't accept it, it seemed to even dumb at times because it was so clear what he has done wrong and yet the guy just didn't get it??? At some point, I was done with him.

EvanSophie served friends to enemies to lovers, a bit of second chance, domestic scenes (my favorites), and obsessed boy.

So the reasons why this book wasn't a five-star reading for me although I found it enjoyable:

1. It's unnecessarily long. this entire story could've been told in 300 pages máx, there was no use for it to be 400 pages long, it was only stalling in many scenes.
2. the side characters seem to be more interesting than the main ones, as I said, I don't think Sophie and Evan are boring but compared to the others they lack a bit of the fire the others have.
3. I enjoyed EvanSophie knowing my fav couple in the series will be ZacharyTheodora.

But for real, none of these are reasons for this being a bad book because I still loved it.

So.. I had a hard time thinking about a Taylor Swift song that fits this book, characters, or ship. But when I think about Sophie, she is the girl which her biggest enemy started as her friend so her song is 'The Archer' and maybe it even fits EvanSophie's relationship too.

Come chat with me about books and Taylor Swift on my Twitter .


71 reviews1 follower

December 28, 2022

they definitely broke up after that sh*tty “epilogue” if we can call it that


291 reviews1,163 followers

April 21, 2023

evan was so unserious and i honestly loved that


400 reviews88 followers

March 23, 2024

"Don't Sophie. There's nothing to misunderstand or misinterpret. I like you, I've always liked you, no matter how unforgivably I've acted. I like everything about you. Your frown, your hair, your gorgeous f*cking eyes, and your voice and your mind. I like your sharp tongue and your mean streak. I f*cking like you so much my chest feels like it's going to explode. I even like it when you hurt me, because I'd rather be hurt by you than adored by anybody else."

I will NEVER not be a complete and utter sucker for the boy falls first trope. Never. In every romance book, it always seems to be the girl who falls first and ends up being the one who has fallen harder for the boy, but for Evan and Sophie's relationship, Evan fell first, and man did he fall hard.

In this book, you meet Sophie, a girl fully focused on her studies and graduating from Spearcrest without any conflicts or incidents, getting good grades, and most of all, avoiding the Young Spearcrest Kings to the best of her ability - which evidently did not work.

Evan Knight is one of the Spearcrest Kings who is determined to have Sophie one way or another. Both Sophie and Evan have known each other since Year 9, when Sophie first transferred to Spearcrest thanks to the hard work of her parents and an academic scholarship. Both Sophie and Evan begin to hit it off from the get-go, however, due to some complications and incidents that take place which I will not spoil in this review, everything turns into chaos between Evan and Sophie which causes different issues for them both...that is until Sophie was hired to tutor Evan.

Reading the quote above, it seems like Evan is this innocent love-struck boy who fell hard on his face for Sophie, right? Wrong. In quite blunt terms, Evan is a stupid hypocrite who has so many faults throughout the book, that I'm conflicted about how I feel about him as I write this review. All in all, Evan did not have much of a reason to bully Sophie in the first place. If anything, it was his insecurities and his own self-centered issues that made him bully her - for what? Neither party gained anything from doing so and it was pointless in my opinion.

Thankfully, our main FMC, Sophie, had one hell of a backbone. If you have read tons of romance books in your life as I have, you will see that most FMCs never have a backbone, never defend or stand up for themselves, nothing. nada. Well, Sophie was so unlike that which was such a nice refresher. Poor girl has been through quite some hard stuff both with Evan and her life overall, yet she never let any of this deter her from sticking up for herself. With that being said, Sophie was still pretty annoying in many parts of the book in my eyes. She always made Evan out to be the bad guy 24/7, which is true cause he definitely was at points and had his faults, but she wasn't so innocent and blame-free herself. I find that this book is one of those rare cases in which there isn't just one party you can blame (i.e the boy being the one at fault 100% of the time or vice versa,) both Sophie AND Evan had their faults, and played parts in the way their friendship broke all those years ago and why they went through the things they did.

Even at the end of the book, the way things ended, it didn't really feel like many things were resolved between these two. It felt like a sort of abrupt ending but then again, god knows how long the book would be if these two actually decide to sit down and figure all their different issues out. (Spoiler alert: it would likely be longer than 400 pages lol.) With that being said, mainly because of the abrupt ending, I don't know how I feel about this book and Evan and Sophie's "relationship," if that's what it can be called anyways.

On the other hand, I saw on the author's Instagram that they were planning on writing more about Evan and Sophie's relationship and what happens between them, so I will have to wait and see to read that (lowkey excited for that tho)

ANYWAY, I will be continuing with this series because I need to read the others' books now. ESPECIALLY LUCA because I love myself a good psychopath.

"Wanting Evan so much definitely is a mistake, but I never want to not feel the way he makes me feel."



131 reviews22 followers

February 11, 2024

i couldn’t give any f*cks about Evan and Sophie but at least she had a backbone 🤠 but Zach though 😫😫😫
I ��� want 💳 his 💳 book 💳 now💳!!!!!
Honestly I really didn’t understand what was the point of him being so mean to Sophie 😐 she did not deserve that 😐 but at least BR with my sister Yasemin💖💖💖


99 reviews12 followers

April 11, 2023


“It’s so obvious he’s obsessed with you. He’s like a really childish boy in primary school who throws frogs at the girl he likes.”

I haven’t read a lot of “bully” romances but I do know that a lot of readers aren’t fans of them BUT LISTEN TO ME ON THIS ONE ☝🏻 I just knew from the way that Evan’s feelings about Sophie were described by the other characters in their books that Evan was going to be pathetically obsessed with her in this one but like she really had this man screaming crying and throwing up and I have to applaud her for that. Sophie is better than me because the way he treated her around everyone else would have landed him in the hospital with 7 missing teeth, but she still went head to head with him and she ended up hurting him more than he hurt her when he’s supposed to be the “bully”. We love it when women humble a man with an ego as big as his. Most of the things that Evan did were so out of pocket but I still let out some giggles from how pathetic his feelings had him acting. I loved this book so much and I still can’t believe how short is actually felt! I didn’t add the .5 star because MISS AURORA I NEED AN EPILOGUE!!! I felt like I had something stolen from me with no epilogue so pleeeeease if you want to add some bonus chapters in the future I would love you forever thank you!


292 reviews7 followers

January 21, 2023

reading this book was the most entertaining experience ever i had this year. I wasn't bored for one second and THE DRAMOINE VIBES OF SOPHIEEVAN???? INSANE!!!!!!!!!

this series is going to be my new obsession


93 reviews50 followers

October 14, 2023

evansophie you are so loved by me


37 reviews10 followers

April 12, 2023

5 stars!

Evan Knight. The most ridiculous and delusional person ever and I say this with affection. Like he’s so silly and unserious and I will ALWAYS have a soft spot for book boys like him. I died when in his POV he swore up and down he had the upper hand when in reality he was baking cookies for Sophie and counting down the seconds until she came home. HOUSEHUSBAND 🫵 Just a silly little American who loves his girl, I’m obsessed.

And Sophie… honestly a breath of fresh air in these bully trope romances. Normally I dislike the execution of this trope because I’m so used to FMCs putting up with literally the worst but not Sophie. I really loved how headstrong she was and true to her goals and how she wasn’t a sellout. And the sarcasm and quick she is so me I’m afraid.

Overall I loved both of these characters equally and they way truly fit each other and meld each others edges. A great debut for Aurora ⭐️


451 reviews

December 3, 2023

nasci deles!!!!

teve muita humilhação no começo, mas senti que ele se redimiu bem, não foi rápido e curto


132 reviews15 followers

December 17, 2023

boy obsessed u will always be famous

Harmeen Kaur

372 reviews4 followers

December 5, 2022

Paused at 34%
Couldn’t connect with the characters.The story is not going forward. It got boring. Friends turned into to enemies🤷🏻‍♀️ Like most of the things happening are unnecessary ! mmc is hate-obsessed with fmc. for some reason he broke the friendship and decided to bully her. The way fmc is portrayed after the friendship breakup.. it felt like something really big happened between them. But it was just usual ! Might shikp through the story to get the gist.

Skimmed through the story till 50%. Mmc is like a kid. Really boring. Wanted to read some good dark academia but alas !
Liked Zach tho


34 reviews10 followers

April 17, 2023

I’ll brb


76 reviews

March 12, 2023

I hate myself


2,425 reviews941 followers

April 6, 2023

Side characters eat up Sophie and Evan, and this was so long to me.

Spearcrest Knight (Spearcrest Kings #1) (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.