Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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Journal and Courieri

Lafayette, Indiana

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riday Evening January 21 1955 THE JOURNAL AND COURIER LAAYETTE IND rankfort and Clinton County the flame after which she was Walnut avenue Janet Hitch 308 Bunnell street ed i a 1 UntlSn VjUiaiUOHS Loeb's Street loor ront TOILETRIES Serve It Tonight losis society with eg i orest Ross Alter 353 Harvard town British Guiana They are ii nr Ti Chamberlin ICE CREAM AND YOUR AVORITE tha spon Pie Pie a la mode Ask Your Chamberlin Dealer and AT REIERS BUDGET STORE REE Lantern Banks Moose Lodge 109 10th St Its UN To See Your Savings Grow in a Visible LANTERN BANK and SHOE CO nc fl A Given for Childrens Savings Accounts 51395 A deposit of 5300 or more is required to open your Children's Lantern Savings Account Ready to Wear oLaauette 1595 each assembled LAAl I UhE BUlIDioif Savings Bank tana i autnS Member ederal Deposit Insurance Corporation Third and Main Streets Lafayette Indiana REIERS STORE 9th and MAIN STREET isk About Our Charge Account Perry Wad "'t 1 SITTING POSITION 2 RECLINING POSITION 3 SLEEPING POSITION Sales and Service Baptist church met Wednesday in the home of Mrs Goldie Brown and enjoyed a luncheon Mrs Lida Best gave the devotions Mr and Mrs John Merchant went to Walkerton and were guests of their son and daughter in law Mr and Mrs Roy Mer chant and family Sunday marked the 48th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs John Merchant and was observed in their home with a family dinner in their honor Quite a large number of Mo rocco people attended the Ma sonic show To at Lafayette Among those present were: Mr and Mrs Van Cox Rev and Mrs Bond Rev and Mrs Rolston Mr and Mrs Ringer Mrs Oliver Johnson Ray Russell Mr and Mrs Mar vin Bower Mr and Mrsi Ray mond Deardurff Miss Ruth Cor bin Mrs Ruby Lucas Dr and Hymn Sing Planned RANKORT The congre gation of the East Side Christian church has planned a singspira tion service for Sunday evening in which the members and a musical trio will take part The trio features an electric guitar accordion bass violin and violin The adult and junior choirs also will take part in the program 5 Earl Ave Mar Jean Village Xfra rm at Greenwood Rossville 1 sus tained second degree burns when a jacket caught fire while she We offer another first! This amazing adjustable back chair that offers you comfort in any position you may desire This strongly constructed chair is covered in pre shrunk vat dyed canvas The chair haa a multitude of uses Your choice in 4 beautiful colors At this low price you can afford to buy two or more inest Specialty Shop WE GIVE Green Stamps Girl Bites Kisser MANILA (AP) Amorous Nor berto Escuadro eyed Tarcila San tos tripping gaily from school then tried to steal a kiss A doctor patched his punctured lip Tarcila bit Enrolled from Clinton county are William Evans Sugar Creek township Dick Sharp Michigan townsnip Dorothy Thiel township and Mary Lou dell rankfort 6 The conference is being sored by Purdue university and Indiana Electric association or All Winter CLOTHING Come to Clothing Store Corner Third and Columbia John and Eunice Holder whose brother James recently was graduated from the school Members of a Pilgrim college sextet and the school choir planned to go to Indianapolis ri day night to take part in an indoor camp meeting in Cadle tabernacle at which President Storey of the college here and Rev loyd Goins super intendent of the Northern Indi ana Pilgrim conference are tak ing an active part I OR TELECHRON CLOCKS CONTACT KIRBY RISK SUPPLY CO PHONE 2 8442 DEALERS MOROCCO Mrs Dolores Merriman and Edwin Robin son have been named co chair men of Beaver township for the March of Dimes to collect mon ey for the polio fund Past Chiefs club met in the home of Mrs Ruth Johnson who was assisted by her daughter Mrs Don orberg of Chicago Special prizes went to Eva Baird and Jessie Camblin The next meeting will be with Mrs Juanita Sellers Mrs Phillip Smith received a cut on her face and bruises when she fell against a heavy chair in her home Word of the death of Richard Sheppard of Cleveland mother of Dr Sam Sheppard has reminded residents here that Mrs Sheppard taught in Morocco high school about 40 years ago She then was Miss Ethel Niles and made her home with Mr Suffocating "heat nervous clammy feelings restless irrltabil ity all are well known to women suffering the distress of function ally caused "change of I But how needless this may be I In doctors' tests Lydia Pinkham's Compound or Tablets relieved such distress in 63 80 of the casest Get Lydia Vegetable Com pound or convenient new Tablets with blood building iron added Wonderful too for relieving cramps pain of monthly periods JARMAN PORTAGE SHOES Red Cross Seminar RANKORT Miss Jessie Berry secretary of the Clinton County Red Cross chapter Mrs Dean Clutter assistant secretary and Mrs Gladys Suhre of orest represented the Clinton county chapter at an 18 county seminar at Kokomo Thursday State and national directors of the Red Cross were on the pro gram and participated in the plans and discussions pertaining to the annual Red Cross fund drive which will begin March 1 and Mrs Builta Since marriage she had visited in Earl Kessler home Her son Sam Sheppard has been con victed of murder in the death of his wife Marilyn Roy Swartz was honored at a birthday party Guests included Mr and Mrs Roger Tebo and family of Donovan Hl Mr and Mrs Arthur Haf strom Jr of Watseka Hl The of lodge will have a special meeting Monday eve ning Jan 24 Lawrence Vander wall Harley Williams and Dick Smart are on the refreshment committee A 3c Richard LeSage who are graduated from Radio School at Scott ield HL spent a month at home with his mother Mrs Harry Montgomery He left for' Camp Kilmer and from there he will sail to Newfound land A 3c Richard Curtiss of Scott ield Ill is spending his 30 day leave at the home of Mr and Mrs Harry Montgomery and will then go to Camp Kilmer rom there he will go to Ger many The birthdays of Paul Me Clatchey and Harley Beck the latter of Gary were celebrated in the home of Mr and Mrs! Paul McClatchey I The Golden Hour of the) Ankle Broken RANKORT Jerry Spencer 14 of 1009 South Third street is a patient in the Clinton coun ty hospital for treatment of a fractured left ankle sustained in a fall while playing basketball in Howard hall Wednesday eve ning her the Dr Hospital News RANKORT Hospital ad missions: Mrs Eugene lood 2 for 2600 Easily Assembled ette for treatment After re ceiving treatment she returned home Our Ad for Thursday Jan 20th should have read as follows: Choice of Colors: Black Yellow Green or Tangerine 5l VeLike To Hear is made for Men with Young Ideas See page 1 Where Women Love To Shop iptaceiokety Mrs McPhail Mr and Mrs William Sherman and Bev erly Mr and Mrs Robert Shirer Mrs Ella Kessler and Wilbur Munson The Beaver Township Home Demonstration club met in the home of Mrs Robert alk A new member Jeannette Hall joined the club After the busi ness a treasure hunt was played of which the winners were Bet tye Sherman and Elizabeth Smart The special prize was won by Esther Boyd The guests were Elizabeth Smart county home demonstrator Phyllis Bartholomew and Mayme Bab' bitt The annual meeting of WSCS Study group was held in the home of Mrs Bessie Hagen The study was of India Pakistim and Ceylon Miss Ruth Corbin re viewed the political setup Mrs Rolston reported the history and Kirklin Youths Get Suspended Terms RANKORT Joyce Neil Combs 19 Kirklin charged with receiving stolen property pleaded guilty before Mayor Charles Goder in city court Thursday and was fined $1 and costs The court suspended a 180 day state farm term on condition the youth leave the county by eb 1 Charles Robert Clements 18 Kirklin charged with petit lar ceny pleaded guilty And was fined $1 and costs' and given a 180 day suspended sentence on condition that he also leave the county by eb 1 Joe Recob arrested by po lice for leaving the scene of an automobile accident' refused to enter a plea when arraigned in city court and was sent to jail East Side Church Plans Revival PANKORT Preparing for Morocco Leaders Named or March of Dimes und 'MAGIC black OICES'! CHAIR be held in the East Side Christian church eb 27 through March 11 officers of the church have named committees to assist in planning and operation of the meetings Named were: Prospect comit tce A Brandon Martha Goldsberry Mrs Louise Wil liams visitation commitee Mary Slimp Mrs Louise Williams Harry Merrill and Mrs Alta Greene housing committee Mes dames Brammell Swackhammer and Brandon advertising Mes dames Charles Hensen Thomp son and Johnson transportation Charles Hensen Mrs Huffer and Bruce Nice ushers Messrs Goldsberry Brandon and Jacoby Mrs Ruby Lucas the and club will meet Thurs day Jan 27 with Mrs Paul Mc Clatchey Mr and Mrs Luther Kessler left for St Petersburg la to spend two months Mis Ellen Spencer of Racine Wis visited her brother Rev John Spencer wife and family Mr and Mrs Owen Hunter1 were dinner guests of Mr Mrs Gene Pettet and family of Rensselaer cherry or apple pie choose your favorite and top it with a big scoop of CHAMBER LIN ICE CREAM real eat ing! Taste tempting any time of day Try it tonight! RENEE'S SOUTH MDE5QUARL March of Dimes Woman Burned Drive in Schools rivoo ii aIaPj Mrs tirmei RANKORT Pupils of RUey school have contributed $17785 to the March of Dimes campaign and the school total is was preparing breakfast riday expected to be in excess of $200 A burner on the kitchen range when the contributions of teach 'ignited the back of her jacket era is reported jbut the flames were unobserved Miss Edna Smith of the de until Mrs Greenwood felt the partmental faculty is absent from lheaL classes because of illness She ran into the yard and Kindergarten and seventh grade! rolled ip the snow to extinguish classes in Riley school will be the flame after which she was given tuberculosis patch tests taken Home hospital Lafay tully automatic printing calculator the functions of an adding and a calculating ma chine and PRINTS all factors and results including credit balance Please write or phone for literature to SMITH OICE EQUIPMENT 1001 Winthrop Box 341 Phone 2 2966 Monday with registered nurses of the city and assistants organized by Mrs Robert Smith RN health supervisor of the city schools Eight four kindergarten and 63 seventh grade pupils will take the tests starting with the kin dergarten at 9:30 a and the higher grade at 1 Pupils of Kyger school con uua rsunnpn street Dimes earnnXJ ranklin Isgrigg 2 William Dunes campaign and to which'n teachers added $4950 making wl MnXivnn school total $232J53 Attendance Morrison in the school has fallen below average because of colds Births: Mr and Mrs Charles numerous cases of mumps among) arnett Michigantown 1 son the pupils Principal and Mrs' James Compton Brammell said Patch testing for East Wabash street son tuberculosis will be held in the'Ir' and Mrs' Donald Bowen school Monday under sponsorship son of the Clinton County Tubercu Dismissals: Barbara Sewell WAKE UP System Inc Service Station 14 ourth St PHONE 2 9452 reg 200 Perfume 50c reg 350 Perfume 88c reg 300 Cologne 75c Pupils Will Ride Train to Chicago RANKORT Seventh grade pupils in the schools of Indianap olis and in the schools along the route of the Monon railroad will be passengers on a special train operating out of Indianap olis and to Chicago on a one day tour of historical sights and oth er places on April 22 The plan grew out of several similar trips' organized in this city by Princi pal Dorsey Pitman in which a special coach was used in trans porting the pupils With the co operation of Mo non railroad passenger officials! all elementary schools on the Monon railroad between In dianapolis and rankfort have been invited to participate in the Chicago trip and thus far most of the schools have co operated Approximately 240 from this city plan to make the trip and Monon officials will arrange a special train as soon as the schools com plete the programs A schedule of visits to the! various museums and other points' as originally planned by Princi pal Dorsey Pitman is being used as a proposed schedule in which1 changes are being made to meet the wishes of the co operating schools S0Zps NOT HASHES I BURST INTO TEARS Will Attend College RANKORT Students in i rankfort Pilgrim college and in the high school department are completing first semester tests and preparing for the opening of the second semester with regis trations Jan 24 27 Registering at the opening of the second semester will be a brother and sister from George nurses and assistants in Mrs "ilham Behr 455 A total of 132 kindergarten and'West Green street Mrs James 76 seventh grade pupils will bcPd vne 552 Hokc avenue given the tests Lincoln school pupils are com H'ers Will Attend pleting their contributions to the huavc 5on7 Purdue Conference tributed $0 and with the aid of I teachers expect to exceed the RANKORT our Clinton $100 goal icounty boys and girls have en Registered nurses and members rolled in the 4 leader training of the Parent Teacher associa and 4 electric proj tion will have charge of patch 'ect to be held at Purdue univer testing for tuberculosis in Monday school Monday Woodside school pupils and teachers have contributed in ex cess of $100 to the March of Dimes fund campaign Kinder garten pupils will be given tu berculosis patch tests Monday with the work in charge of regis tered nurses and TA members The patch tests also will be given to pupils of the ninth and tenth grades of the high school Monday Ganower Estate RANKORT Letters of ad a two weeks revival service to ini Via 1 4U IPnl uuuQuauun ill tTSUlLe Ul Clara Gangwer were issued to Charles Hawkins in Circuit court Thursday The estate is estimated to consist of $3000 in real estate and $600 in personal property Heirs named are Mrs Matilda Jackson a sister of Con verse and Mrs Cora A Hawkins a niece of rankfort WH I i ivetti 14S1 E3I lAL 'Uoo! or IB i 4 i If IK 1 31 W1 1 Vr TI 0 52! Jvl 1 fx 5 III eg: 3 I I cwt Jut I 1 JBBg I saa rna IE fl I.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.