Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (2024)

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Currency Insider Video Update Sunday Morning 6-2-24

Iraqi Dinar Here Some Massive Changes – 1:31

Iraqi Dinar Amazing Facts After 15 Years – 2:26

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Latest Something Big For Holders- 2:25

Iraqi Dinar Today Is Investors Day – 2:01

Currency Insider Video Update Sunday Morning 6-2-24

Iraqi Dinar Here Some Massive Changes – 1:31

Iraqi Dinar Amazing Facts After 15 Years – 2:26

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Latest Something Big For Holders- 2:25

Iraqi Dinar Today Is Investors Day – 2:01

Iraqi Dinar Here Some Massive Changes – 1:31


Iraqi Dinar Amazing Facts After 15 Years – 2:26


Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Latest Something Big For Holders – 2:25


Iraqi Dinar Today Is Investors Day – 2:01


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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20


Tishwash: Iraq participates in the OPEC+ coalition meeting in Saudi Arabia

Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Oil Minister Hayan Abdul-Ghani participates in the OPEC+ alliance meeting, which begins its work in Saudi Arabia today.

Al-Hayani’s media office stated in a statement received by {Al-Furat News}, “The meeting discusses developments in the oil market, a general assessment of OPEC+’s actions over the past, and future expectations. link


Tishwash: Iraq participates in the OPEC+ coalition meeting in Saudi Arabia

Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Oil Minister Hayan Abdul-Ghani participates in the OPEC+ alliance meeting, which begins its work in Saudi Arabia today.

Al-Hayani’s media office stated in a statement received by {Al-Furat News}, “The meeting discusses developments in the oil market, a general assessment of OPEC+’s actions over the past, and future expectations. link

MikeCristo8: Petrodollar Ends on June 9th

Sunday, 2 June 2024,

MikeCristo8: The world needs to understand the U.S. Treasury bond market is funded off the world needing dollar reserves aka bank derivatives (off balance sheet dollars).

When the Petrodollar ends on June 9th, there is no need for the world to hold U.S. Treasuries as the global world reserve asset in the oil trade.

The Japanese yen will hyperinflate against their U.S. Treasury holdings.

Japan will be forced to liquidate all their dollars and U.S. treasuries that fund the Gates Foundation,

The Gates Foundation will fold. Melinda Gates leaves the Gates Foundation on Friday June 7th, two days before the petrodollar ends (June 9th).Bill and Melinda Gates knew the petrodollar was going to end.

Coincidence? No?The monetary even is going down NOW!


Adam Gaertner: Anything concrete re: the 9th?


MikeCristo8 U.S. Treasury must roll over $10 trillion in bonds, of which they don’t have the money. Saudi is protecting their oil against a collapsing fiat dollar. The Fed isn’t going to print this kind of money.


Jack Straw June 9th the Agreement between United States and Saudi Arabia to sell Saudi Oil in USD exclusively ends. Saudi Prince has already notified U.S. that this agreement will NOT be renewed and they will no longer accept USD.



MikeCristo8 It means state banks can link up to M-BRIDGE, bypassing the SWIFT system and interface with the PBoCand the state banks could then potentially hold RMB as reserves.

===>>>>> This would allow China to control the gold price inside the U.S. state banking system!


MikeCristo8 Does the world want dollar loans backed by nothing, or do they want RMB loans backed by gold?

China just moved in.



Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Militia Man The totality of the Development Road Project, 1310 is not going to work. They just don't have enough money printed, period. They just don't. We're going to have to see how all that ties in with the budget because one of the things that's still on the table is the Delete The Zeros Project. If that's the case trillions turns into billions quite quickly...If they do what they say they're going to do it becomes far far cheaper.

Tishwash Article: "Iran: Iraq is one of the richest countries in the Middle East" Quote: "...Iraq is considered one of the richest countries in the Middle East, in that it possesses 85 billion dollars in foreign exchange reserves, 130 tons of gold reserves and 147 billion reserves, confirmed from a barrel of crude oil (ranked fourth in the world), explaining that it achieved from selling crude oil an income equivalent to $76 billion in 2021, and $120 billion in 2022."

Deflation ‘Intensifying’, ‘Monumental Rally’ Will ‘Shock People’ | David Rosenberg

David Lin: 6-2-2024

David Rosenberg, Founder and President of Rosenberg Research, discusses the "intensifying" deflationary pressures mounting in the economy, and their impacts on Fed monetary policy, the treasuries market, and equities markets.

0:00 - Intro

1:05 - Rate cuts towards 0%

6:48 - Inflation vs. Deflation

14:00 - Monetary policy errors

24:10 – Treasuries

26:30 - Stock market outlook

35:00 - Labor market and wages

43:00 - Home foreclosures?

45:40 - Asset allocation


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Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20 Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20



Experts expect the dollar exchange rate to fall and reach parity with the official price


Financial experts expected the parallel dollar exchange rate to fall and reach parity with the official price.

The economic advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed that the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market was close to matching the official price, in conjunction with the increased ability of banks to meet the requirements of the Central Bank and its compliance with the rules of external transfer

While experts indicated in Financial Affairs indicated that, in accordance with government procedures and reforms through the application of the electronic currency transfer platform and the establishment of correspondent relations between Iraqi and foreign banks, its results may be reflected positively in controlling the parallel exchange rate and the black market. LINK


Frank26: "THAT'S THE GOAL OF THE MONETARY REFORM!!!"............F26

Experts expect the dollar exchange rate to fall and reach parity with the official price


Financial experts expected the parallel dollar exchange rate to fall and reach parity with the official price.

The economic advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed that the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market was close to matching the official price, in conjunction with the increased ability of banks to meet the requirements of the Central Bank and its compliance with the rules of external transfer

While experts indicated in Financial Affairs indicated that, in accordance with government procedures and reforms through the application of the electronic currency transfer platform and the establishment of correspondent relations between Iraqi and foreign banks, its results may be reflected positively in controlling the parallel exchange rate and the black market. LINK


Professor Frank Gunter launches a new white paper on de dollarisation of Iraqi economy.

29th May 2024

‘Two Cheers for Iraq: The Dinar – Dollar Exchange Rate Challenges’

Professor Frank Gunter publishes a new paper commissioned as part of a series by IBBC’s advisory council on the challenges of de-dollarisation for Iraq.The Advisory Council members and IBBC members have actively contributed to the paper in the past 4 months. It will be presented online on the 18thJune in a webinar and in person at the Spring Conference on 2ndJuly. The Arabic translation will be published soon.

Professor Gunter provides an analysis of the drivers of impact on the dinar exchange rate and examines how best to deal with the parallel market of dinars to dollars. He outlines the practical policy initiatives that should reduce the gapbetween the official and parallel exchange rates in the medium-term.

In particular he lauds the Government of Iraq on its commitment to tackle corruption and to modernise the banking system in one fell swoop but warns of the pressure on the dinar exchange rate as budgets are overstretched and the new banking recipients (state banks) receive the liquidity to enable the economy to perform.

He writes ‘All three of these forces – the anti-corruption effort, the banking liberalization, and the lavish 2023-2025 budget – will create challenges for the management of the dinar exchange rate. One could argue that over the last two decades the Government of Iraq (GoI) had little control over its exchange rate; that exchange rate policy was determined by other sectors of the political economy in Iraq. But even if this is true, the level of the exchange rate and changes in that level are believed by many Iraqis and foreigners as providing valuable insight into the quality of economic management in Iraq.

This importance is exemplified by the current efforts to de-dollarize the Iraqi economy while there is excess demand for dollars. This excess demand is shown by a parallel exchange rate of roughly 1500 dinars per dollar compared to the official exchange rate of 1310 dinars per dollar.
An important cause of this exchange rate gap is that the GoI, with the strong encouragement of the U.S. Federal Reserve, is attempting to reduce the use of the U.S. dollar in both Iraq’s internal economy and its external transactions. Since 2003, the U.S. dollar has facilitated economic growth in Iraq by providing a widely accepted medium of exchange for purchases as well as a reliable store of value for savings. In the long run, whether de-dollarization will have a significant adverse impact on the Iraq economy will depend on how rapidly the GoI can increase both the efficiency of alternative mediums of exchange and the perceived security of alternative stores of value.’

The report is availablehereto download.


Together we build Iraq

The Iraq Britain Business Council brings together business, trade and investment from the UK and International companies, for the benefit of the Republic of Iraq and its members. Committed to a free, prosperous and diverse Iraq, IBBC creates strong relationships with Iraq, from Government to private companies, to benefit business, industry and the people of Iraq.




Visa unveils new digital products


Today as part of the annual Visa Payments Forum in the Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa region, Visa unveiled a package of new products and services that drive a radical transformation in card services and meet the future needs of its customers, consumers, merchants and financial institutions throughout the region.

As payment methods have changed over the past five years from what they were previously, these new innovations will provide unique payment experiences to create a qualitative shift in commercial and financial activity, including e-commerce, in-store shopping, and money transfers.

“The dramatic acceleration in the growth of digital payments across the Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa (CEMEA) region has significantly transformed the way we pay and collect money online and in stores,” said Andrew Torrey, Visa’s Regional President for CEE, Middle East and Africa. “

As we continue our mission In shaping the future of commerce, we are pleased to support our customers, partners, consumers and merchants with the next generation of pioneering digital payment experiences and today we unveil new card features and digital innovations that will provide consumers and merchants with more personalized, convenient, secure and comprehensive solutions.”

Visa offers a range of innovative solutions that support digital identity, seamless payment experiences, flexible payments, accepting digital payments for microbusinesses, and protecting the security of account-to-account payments. Additionally, Visa announced the launch of its new payments-as-a-service platform, Visa Pay, which provides world-class mobile experiences for digital payments and intra-remittance transfers across the Central and Eastern Europe and Middle East Africa regions. This platform includes a comprehensive set of payment capabilities, and allows banks to deploy innovative and rapid solutions including digital card issuance requests, payment initiation order management, click-through payment, fraud and risk management, digital wallet platforms, and many more.

The new products and services Visa unveiled today, which will begin rolling out later this year, include:

Flexible Visa credentials

The provision of flexible credentials from Visa will allow customers to switch between different payment methods using a single card, providing greater choice for customers who can now set specific payment criteria or choose one of the payment methods that include debit cards, credit cards, or pay in four instalments. , redeem reward points, or even pay in another currency. This service is scheduled to be available in the Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa regions in the coming months.

Accepting payments from micro business owners

With an estimated 120 million formal and informal small and micro business merchants unable to accept digital payments in the CEE region, Visa is developing new ways to enable digital payments using virtual cards and credentials. In this context, the company this year will provide new methods of payment via mobile devices to all merchants, including:

* USSD Push Payments: Allows digital payments via any mobile phone that supports this feature.

* Small Business Owner Acceptance: This allows money to be transferred from consumer to merchant through smartphone devices.

* Mobile tap: Any device can now become a point of sale (POS) by simply tapping a card or digital credential.

Visa Payment Passkey Service

Identifying people in the digital world has become very complex; This has naturally led to a significant increase in fraud, with online payment fraud today being seven times higher than in-person payments.

Based on the latest Fast Verification of Identity Online (FIDO) standards, the Payment Passkey service can confirm a consumer's identity and enable online payment through a quick scan of their biometrics such as their facial features or fingerprint. Visa passkeys replace one-time passwords or codes when shopping online, allowing for more seamless and secure transactions. This service also confirms the consumer's identity without interrupting the payment process, as well as enhancing security levels and reducing friction when paying digitally - through any device or website - globally.

Click to pay

Visa has launched Click to Pay to provide a more seamless and secure payment experience on a broader scale, where consumers only need their email, phone number or Visa payment passkey to complete online payments. Additionally, Visa will collaborate with card issuers in several markets around the world to enable Click to Pay and Visa Payment Passkey services on new Visa cards, reducing manual entry of card details and passwords from the moment you start using the card. The Click to Pay service is available today in the Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa regions.

Visa Protection for Account-to-Account (A2A) Payments

Visa processes more than 200 billion transactions annually and analyzes 500 data elements in each transaction to detect and stop fraud in real time. By collaborating with real-time payments (RTP) networks around the world and leveraging decades of experience, Visa is working to use artificial intelligence to reduce fraudulent attempts in account-to-account payments across these networks. Visa's P2P protection service has already identified 60% of fraud across real-time payments channels, which financial institutions in the UK and Latin America had not previously detected. This service is scheduled to be available in the Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa regions in the coming months.

Visa Pay platform

Visa Pay is a payments-as-a-service platform that allows banks to quickly launch a range of new digital services for consumers and sellers through their mobile banking apps to stay ahead of consumers' digital preferences. This platform enables digital card issuance applications, payment initiation order management, pay-per-click, risk and fraud management, tokenization, digital wallet platforms, and issuer processing through a partner.

This platform allows banks to enhance their applications on mobile phones, as consumers will enjoy world-class user experiences via mobile phone to complete digital payments and financial transfers, as well as enhance security levels and reduce fraud attempts. The Visa Pay platform is scheduled to be launched in the Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa regions in the coming months. INK


In the document.. The House of Representatives will vote next Monday on the budget schedules


Representative Mustafa Sanad announced that the House of Representatives intends to vote on the financial budget tables for the year 2024.
Sanad published a copy of the session’s agenda and limited it to voting on the budget schedules, indicating that it will be held at three o’clock in the afternoon.

Sanad said, "The Finance Committee has not voted on the schedules and has not prepared its report" yet


Republic of Iraq House of Representatives

The fifth electoral session, the third legislative year, the first legislative term

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

Agenda for session No. (27), Monday, June 3, 2024

Republic of Iraq House of Representatives

Reading verses from the Holy Quran

- Voting on the amended schedules of the Federal General Budget Law No. (13) 2024

Attached are tables (A/B/C/D/E/F). (Finance Committee).

The session begins at three in the afternoon LINK



Parliamentary Finance confirms the readiness of the budget tables for voting in Monday’s session


The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced its readiness to present the federal financial budget schedules for the year 2024 in the Parliament session next Monday.

The head of the committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, said in a statement, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received, “For days, the committee has continued to study and review the 2024 budget schedules, in detail, in order to complete them in the optimal manner, and to ensure the necessary financial allocations for all sectors,” adding, “After a series of meetings Intensive, during which we hosted the relevant ministers, today we are about to complete the task of discussing and reviewing the details of these schedules, in accordance with the Federal General Budget Law for the years (2023-2024).”

Al-Atwani continued, “The Finance Committee confirms its readiness to present its final report to the House of Representatives in next Monday’s session dedicated to approving the budget schedules and its annexes,” reiterating “the great keenness to enable the federal government to implement its service and development plans and programs in a manner consistent with its government program that the House of Representatives voted on.”

We also affirm our full support for local governments, by increasing their financial allocations and ensuring the continuity of funding for projects with the aim of improving the reality of services in all governorates.” LINK

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Sunday AM 6-2-24

Released USD vs IQD Dinar New Exchange Rate – 3:42

World Bank Reveal IQD New Rate – 7:05

Vietnamese Dong Massive Update – 5:52

Iraqi Dinar Huge Reinstatement - 4:54

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Sunday AM 6-2-24

Released USD vs IQD Dinar New Exchange Rate – 3:42

World Bank Reveal IQD New Rate – 7:05

Vietnamese Dong Massive Update – 5:52

Iraqi Dinar Huge Reinstatement - 4:54

Released USD vs IQD Dinar New Exchange Rate – 3:42


World Bank Reveal IQD New Rate – 7:05


Vietnamese Dong Massive Update – 5:52


Iraqi Dinar Huge Reinstatement - 4:54


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Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Sunday AM 6-2-24

Parliamentary Praise For The Current Year’s Budget: The Best Since 2003

Money and business Economy News – Baghdad Chairman of the Parliamentary Services and Reconstruction Committee, Representative Ali Jassim Al-Hamidawi, confirmed that the reports prepared by the Parliamentary Finance Committee after studying the tables sent by the government confirm that allocations to the governorates in the 2024 budget have not been reduced, but rather they are the best since 2003.

Al-Hamidawi stated in a brief statement, followed by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the reports prepared by the Parliamentary Finance Committee after studying the tables sent by the government confirm that the allocations to the governorates in the 2024 budget have not been reduced, but rather they are the best since 2003.”

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Sunday AM 6-2-24

Parliamentary Praise For The Current Year’s Budget: The Best Since 2003

Money and business Economy News – Baghdad Chairman of the Parliamentary Services and Reconstruction Committee, Representative Ali Jassim Al-Hamidawi, confirmed that the reports prepared by the Parliamentary Finance Committee after studying the tables sent by the government confirm that allocations to the governorates in the 2024 budget have not been reduced, but rather they are the best since 2003.

Al-Hamidawi stated in a brief statement, followed by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the reports prepared by the Parliamentary Finance Committee after studying the tables sent by the government confirm that the allocations to the governorates in the 2024 budget have not been reduced, but rather they are the best since 2003.”

He added, "The budget includes promising service projects for the governorates," pointing out that "members of the House of Representatives will vote on Monday on the schedules to launch a new phase of services and construction in the government of achievements." 102 views 06/02/2024 https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=4393

A Final Meeting Of The Parliamentary Finance Committee To Complete The Budget Law Schedules Report

Sunday 02, June 2024 13:20 | Economical Number of readings: 181 Baghdad / NINA / Today, Sunday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee held a final meeting to put the final touches on its report on the general budget schedules.

Since last week, the committee has continued its periodic meetings in the Guest House building of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, to discuss the general budget schedules, leading to the preparation of the final report that will be presented in tomorrow’s session, Monday, which the Presidency of the House of Representatives decided to allocate for voting on the schedules of General Budget Law No. 13. For the amended year 2024 and its annexes, Tables A/B/C/D/E/F./End 5


Parliament Holds A Session To Vote On The 2024 Budget Schedules

Iraq 2024-06-02 The House of Representatives is scheduled to hold its regular session, tomorrow, Monday, to vote on the schedules of Federal Budget Law No. 13 for the year 2024 and its annexes.

The representative of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan bloc, Dr. Briar Rashid, told PUKMEDIA: The House of Representatives has postponed its legislative recess to vote on the federal budget schedules for the year 2024.

He added: There is pressure from Federal Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani and some political parties to vote on the budget schedules so as not to disrupt government affairs. Federal and continuing to provide services to citizens.

He explained: Voting on the budget tables requires the presence and voting of 165 deputies, and the government needs to vote on these tables, so it wants to speed up the vote on them.

Representative Briar Rashid continued: The House of Representatives will hold its regular session at exactly three o’clock in the afternoon tomorrow, Monday, to vote on the schedules of the Federal Budget Law for the year 2024. https://kirkuktv.net/AR/Details/21071

Deputy: The Budget Does Not Contain Appointments And Contains Taxes On Electricity And High Gasoline Prices

Policy 06-02-2024 | 2,828 views Alsumaria News – Politics Member of the Legal Committee in the House of Representatives, Raed Al-Maliki, revealed today, Sunday, that the budget tables sent from the Council of Ministers to the House of Representatives are devoid of new appointments, noting that they contain large taxes on electricity supply as well as a “possible” rise in gasoline prices. .

Al-Maliki said in an interview with: Alsumaria News “The budget tables sent by the government do not contain any new appointments and there are no increases for any societal or functional segments,” indicating that the tables received from the government only contain changes in terms of allocations to ministries, and allocations allocated to the region.Kurdistan".

Al-Maliki added, "The schedules also contained some amendments related to financing methods," adding, "These have a major negative impact on the citizen, including imposing fees and taxes on the electricity sector, by imposing high taxes."

Al-Maliki pointed out, “The tables also included a very significant increase in the selling prices of crude oil to refinery companies, and this will lead to the refineries having two options: either to bear the loss and be loss-making companies, or to transfer the burden of additional costs to oil product distribution companies.” And companies distributing petroleum products, in turn, can transfer them to citizens and raise gasoline prices.” LINK

Iraq Participates In The OPEC+ Coalition Meeting In Saudi Arabia

Time: 06/02/2024 Read: 585 times {Economic: Al-Furat News} Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Oil Minister Hayan Abdul-Ghani participates in the OPEC+ alliance meeting, which begins its work in Saudi Arabia today.

Al-Hayani’s media office stated in a statement received by {Al-Furat News}, “The meeting discusses developments in the oil market, a general assessment of OPEC+’s actions over the past, and future expectations.” LINK

The Governorates’ Shares In The Budget Are Up In The Air, And The Blocs Are Trying To Rectify The Matter

Information / Baghdad... Although the federal budget was approved for three years 2023-2024-2025; However, the schedules for each budget always raise controversy between the governorates and the Ministry of Finance.

Follow the “Al-Ma’louma” channel on Telegram.. News that does not require documentation..

This is what actually happened when the 2024 budget schedules arrived in the corridors of the House of Representatives.

Today, Sunday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee held a final meeting to put the final touches on its report on the general budget schedules.

A statement by the committee received by “Al-Ma’louma” stated that, since last week, the committee has been continuing its regular meetings in the guest house building of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, to discuss the general budget schedules, leading to the preparation of the final report that will be presented in tomorrow’s session, Monday.”

He touched on the decision of the Presidency of the House of Representatives to allocate tomorrow’s session, Monday, to vote on the amended schedules of General Budget Law No. 13 of 2024 and its annexes, Schedules “A/B/C/D/E/F.”

In the meantime, the media department of the House of Representatives announced the agenda for tomorrow’s session, Monday, which includes voting on the amended schedules of Federal Budget Law No. (13) of 2024.

The 2024 budget schedules angered many representatives due to the reduction in the budgets of the central and southern governorates.

Representative Wafaa Al-Shammari confirmed that the central and southern governorates were subjected to great injustice in the current year’s budget that the government sent to the House of Representatives.

Al-Shammari told Al-Maalouma, “The bulk of building the Iraqi economy falls on the central and southern governorates,” explaining, “These governorates are the ones who finance the state treasury through their oil fields, but despite that, they suffer injustice.”

She added, "What was allocated to the central and southern governorates in the budget tables is very weak and does not match their need to sustain projects," noting that "instead of doing justice to these governorates, the government reduced their budgets and increased the Kurdistan region's budget."

In addition, member of the Parliamentary Services Committee, Mahdia Al-Lami, said today, Sunday, that the financial allocations to all governorates are not commensurate with the size of the service problems.

Al-Lami told Al-Maalouma that the governorate allocations in the 2024 schedules differ from the 2023 allocations, indicating that the percentage of infrastructure completion in some governorates does not exceed 6%.

She added, "The government is supposed to increase financial allocations to all governorates instead of reducing them."

She continued, "Budget allocations threaten service projects in all Iraqi governorates."

According to these objections, there are two trends within the House of Representatives, which will not be ignored by political discussions, after the completion of professional discussions related to the Finance Committee and the government.

First: There is a tendency in the House of Representatives to hold consensus discussions between the large blocs before voting on them.

Second: The budget is presented without agreeing on it.

The weight is based on consensus between the political blocs and finding agreed-upon formulas to give the central and southern governorates part of the reinforcements to their budgets.

However, even if the political blocs agree, these reinforcements will not meet the needs of these governorates. LINK

Provoking Thoughts and Points to Ponder on Advice :

But one must know where one stands, and where the others wish to go.-Goethe

No man ever listened himself out of a job.-Calvin Coolidge

Thanksgiving comes after Christmas.-Peter Kreeft

The proverb warns that, "You should not bite the hand that feeds you." But maybe you should, if it prevents you from feeding yourself.-Thomas Szasz

I remember my father telling me the story of the preacher delivering an exhortation to his flock, and as he reached the climax of his exhortation, a man in the front row got up and said, 'O Lord, use me. Use me, O Lord - in an advisory capacity!'-Adlai Stevenson



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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20


CandyKisses: Parliamentary praise for this year's budget: the best since 2003

Economy News - Baghdad

The Chairman of the Parliamentary Services and Reconstruction Committee, MP Ali Jassim Al-Hamidawi, confirmed that the reports prepared by the Parliamentary Finance Committee after studying the tables sent by the government confirm that the governorates' allocations in the 2024 budget are not reduced, but are the best since 2003.

Al-Hamidawi said in a brief statement, followed by "Economy News", that "the reports prepared by the parliamentary finance committee after studying the tables sent by the government confirm that the allocations of the governorates in the 2024 budget are not reduced, but rather the best since 2003."

He added, "The budget includes promising service projects for the provinces," pointing out that "members of the House of Representatives will vote on Monday on the tables to launch a new phase of services and ages in the government of achievements."


CandyKisses: Parliamentary praise for this year's budget: the best since 2003

Economy News - Baghdad

The Chairman of the Parliamentary Services and Reconstruction Committee, MP Ali Jassim Al-Hamidawi, confirmed that the reports prepared by the Parliamentary Finance Committee after studying the tables sent by the government confirm that the governorates' allocations in the 2024 budget are not reduced, but are the best since 2003.

Al-Hamidawi said in a brief statement, followed by "Economy News", that "the reports prepared by the parliamentary finance committee after studying the tables sent by the government confirm that the allocations of the governorates in the 2024 budget are not reduced, but rather the best since 2003."

He added, "The budget includes promising service projects for the provinces," pointing out that "members of the House of Representatives will vote on Monday on the tables to launch a new phase of services and ages in the government of achievements."

Tishwash: Before submitting it to a vote...a final meeting for the 2024 budget in the corridors of Parliament today

Deputy Chairman of the Finance Committee in Parliament, MP Ahmed Mazhar Al-Jubouri, revealed today, Sunday, an expected final meeting of the committee to resolve the 2024 budget schedules, before submitting them to a vote within the Council.

Al-Jubouri said, “The powers and directions may not allow us to make amendments to the budget tables, and this may dispel the dream of many who are waiting to make amendments to them, including appointments or governorate rights, etc., and it may be difficult to change a single letter in the tables.”

He added, “The committee will open the schedules today and will discuss the possibility of making amendments to them or passing them according to the texts that reached Parliament from the government,” indicating that today’s meeting will decide whether the schedules will be passed in tomorrow’s session or moved until after Eid al-Adha.

Al-Jubouri said, “The committee members’ orientations are with the rights of citizens, but we are waiting for today’s meeting to discuss the possibility of amending them according to the necessary requirements.”

The House of Representatives had allocated its session tomorrow, Monday, as a date to vote on the federal financial budget tables, at a time when the Parliamentary Finance Committee announced, yesterday, Saturday (June 1, 2024), the near end of its work on the federal financial budget tables for the year 2024. link


Tishwash: Al-Aboudi: The decision to end UNAMI’s mission in Iraq is a big step towards full sovereignty

Member of the General Authority of the National Wisdom Movement, Rahim Al-Aboudi, considered the decision to end UNAMI’s mission in Iraq a big step to prove complete sovereignty.

Al-Aboudi said {to Al-Furat News} that: “The United Nations is looking with another eye at Iraq and is following up on all political, security, social and economic activities. Therefore, this transition is a merit of the Iraqi people and political forces.”
He added, "The government had a major role in this transition, and it is a major step to prove that Iraq has a different title and status and the need for complete sovereignty and dealing with the country on the basis of this entitlement."

Al-Aboudi continued, "Iraq adopted many decisions, as well as many foreign relations, whether at the level of Middle Eastern countries or countries of the world, in order to have a different role in the next stage."

He stated, "This decision has become an important responsibility for the government to affirm the right of the Iraqi people to be a growing and prosperous country. Today, Iraq is adopting a policy of calm in the region and proving itself."

Yesterday, Friday, the UN Security Council decided to withdraw the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), which has been in the country for more than 20 years, by the end of 2025, at the request of Baghdad.

The unanimously adopted resolution stipulates extending the mandate of the mission, which was established in 2003, “for a final period of 19 months until January 31, 2025.”

The Iraqi government welcomed the UN Security Council's decision to end the mandate and tasks of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq. link

Mot: Good Morning

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Good Mom

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Dinar Recaps 20 Dinar Recaps 20

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 2 June 2024 CompiledSun. 2 June2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

Fri. 31 May Last Wolverine Call:

“I received an official notification from Brazil– “Good afternoon to you and your family. Confirmed the release order has been given – Colombia, USA, Brazil. The representative of the Columbian project manager begins with his delivery protocols to his Tier4B. Leading representative internet group starts inJune.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 2 June 2024

CompiledSun. 2 June2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

Fri. 31 May Last Wolverine Call:

“I received an official notification from Brazil– “Good afternoon to you and your family. Confirmed the release order has been given – Colombia, USA, Brazil. The representative of the Columbian project manager begins with his delivery protocols to his Tier4B. Leading representative internet group starts inJune.

Wolverine Cont…….The banks are ready and adapted to 100% QFS.The drought has already ceased. Wait for your notifications from Columbiatoday (Sat. 1 June) after 12 pm.

The Victory of the Light took off.Prepare your Passports. The Journey to the New World has arrived. Congratulations and Best regards.”

This came through last night. I received another messagefrom a very strong contact, a Whale, from Zurich, saying he got the same message.

I don’t follow TNT much, but it came through on their call saying that every contact and agency says,“It is a go today.”This may be in line with what we have received from Brazil.

Reno – I have been told, is about to kick off.I am waiting to get a call from my source in Reno and hopefully we will get that done.

My friend Mauricio cannot say much, but all is good, and he is ready to go. I was a bit emotional when I heard.

So, by next week,everything will be looking beautiful. The foundations are all funded. They are ready to go. So, get ready to meet the new world.

This is not a rumor, this is fact that is coming through. I am hoping and praying this is my last call and my next call will hopefully be the opera. Have a beautiful day. I am hoping I get that call from Reno today. If I do, then I will have an EMERGENCY LIVE CALL for you all. Obviously if I am allowed to send that opera, I will. Take care, Wolverine

Global Financial Crisis:

Sat. 1 June Ariel:Boom! Boom! Boom! Confirmation that we have a dual banking system running alongside the traditional system based on the Petrodollar that the Federal Reserve wants to maintain a monopoly over. But the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the states to adhere to their own charter outside the corporate Fed system.

The Federal Reserve doesn’t respect state rights for banks to adhere to their own charter outside the control of Washington DC. States are taking their power back. This document shows that we never needed the Federal Reserve on a legal basis. How? Simple. Banks with federal charters, called national banks, are subject primarily to federal oversight and regulation. And banks with state charters, called state banks, are subject to additional state oversight and regulation. Those two banking systems co-exist and compete. Now you have it in writing. Officially.

Sat. 1 June 2024:Good news from the United States. The US Federal Reserve and the Bank of America have gone to the Supreme Court to argue that the federal banking system (under the control of the FED) is the only legal banker authorized in the United States. The Supreme Court ruled them wrong, because according to the Constitution, each state is above the federal bank and can open all types of banking establishments on its territory.

First, the FED wanted to control all the banks and all the bank accounts. Second, individual states have now obtained a ruling from the Supreme Court that will allow them to legally establish chartered banks in their state, which will accept crypto-currencies and also allow currencies backed by gold or silver.

This is a good thing for freedom and for not allowing CBDCs to be deployed without legal recourse.https://x.com/CaitlinLong_/status/1796201938813633004

Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/06/02/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-june-2-2024/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Yada The value of the restored dinar will have more assets and less debt than most countries. To the extent it will be on the level of Dubai. To think the dinar will have 4x more value than the dollar is awesome.

Militia Man The totality of the Development Road Project, 1310 is not going to work. They just don't have enough money printed, period. They just don't. We're going to have to see how all that ties in with the budget because one of the things that's still on the table is the Delete The Zeros Project. If that's the case trillions turns into billions quite quickly...If they do what they say they're going to do it becomes far far cheaper.

IMPORTANT Biden Signs Executive Order 103303 for Iraq National Security

Edu Matrix: 6-2-2024

IMPORTANT: Biden Signs Executive Order 103303 for Iraq National Security. What is Executive Order 103303, and why is it so important? And why did the White House wait until two days before it expired to renew?


Worst Financial Reset (Over-Priced Everything) with Adam Taggart

Sachs Reality: 6-2-2024

Over-priced, unaffordable, everything (housing included)! Great Depression 2.0. moves closer to reality.


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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Update Late Saturday Evening 6-1-24

Its, Good Time To Change Let's Go – 3:08

CBI Decieded Active Rate Change Decision – 4:03

Wow Its Massive , Finally Iraq Budget Approved – 5:05

Iraqi dinar finally Released $4.25 – 3:20

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Update Late Saturday Evening 6-1-24

Its, Good Time To Change Let's Go – 3:08

CBI Decieded Active Rate Change Decision – 4:03

Wow Its Massive , Finally Iraq Budget Approved – 5:05

Iraqi dinar finally Released $4.25 – 3:20

Its, Good Time To Change Let's Go – 3:08


CBI Decieded Active Rate Change Decision – 4:03


Wow Its Massive , Finally Iraq Budget Approved – 5:05


Iraqi dinar finally Released $4.25 – 3:20


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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20


Clare: Details of the parliamentary finance meeting on the final report of the 20204 budget


Today, Saturday, June 1, 2024, the Finance Committee, headed by Engineer Atwan Al-Atwani and attended by its members, led its meeting dedicated to preparing the final report on the federal general budget schedules for the year 20204.

The Chairman of the Finance Committee stressed the keenness to complete all the details related to the schedules and prepare the final report in preparation for presenting it to the House of Representatives, taking into account the state’s financial path and the economic feasibility that must be studied.

The members of the committee presented views and opinions regarding the possibility of making the required transfers according to need and the economic vision in line with the public interest, as well as the importance of assessing the institutions’ need according to realistic data.


Clare: Details of the parliamentary finance meeting on the final report of the 20204 budget


Today, Saturday, June 1, 2024, the Finance Committee, headed by Engineer Atwan Al-Atwani and attended by its members, led its meeting dedicated to preparing the final report on the federal general budget schedules for the year 20204.

The Chairman of the Finance Committee stressed the keenness to complete all the details related to the schedules and prepare the final report in preparation for presenting it to the House of Representatives, taking into account the state’s financial path and the economic feasibility that must be studied.

The members of the committee presented views and opinions regarding the possibility of making the required transfers according to need and the economic vision in line with the public interest, as well as the importance of assessing the institutions’ need according to realistic data.

The committee added the need to raise the level of ambition in terms of the necessary financial allocations for projects and distribute the amounts fairly in accordance with the law and in line with the government program. LINK

Clare: Sudanese inaugurates a digital data center that operates for 30 days without electricity


Today, Saturday, Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani opened the digital data center at the Ministry of Interior and the traffic plate manufacturing factory, in the capital, Baghdad.

The opening took place, according to a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, in the presence of the Ministers of Interior, Planning, Communications, Higher Education, Labor and Social Affairs, the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, the Governor of the Central Bank, and a number of government and security officials.

In his speech during the opening, Al-Sudani praised the efforts of workers in the Ministry of Interior and the Iraqi company implementing the project, stressing the importance of the digital data center in preserving and circulating data.

He explained that the Ministry has made important strides in providing electronic service to citizens, which began with the passport and entry visa, and today it culminates in the completion of this center dedicated to collecting data, pointing out that the Ministry of Interior is not only a security body, but it is also a service ministry that deals directly with the citizen.

He stressed the importance of sharing data between different departments and institutions, stressing that the readiness of information will raise the level of performance of the Ministry of Interior in the field of tracking crime.

He explained that the digital data center is in line with the directives of the Prime Minister to ensure data security and sharing, and to rely on automation and digital transformation in providing services to citizens. According to the statement, this center is part of the electronic passport, electronic visa and electronic portals project concluded with the Police Martyrs Fund. It will also serve the Ministry of Interior and all its formations, such as the electronic passport systems, the electronic visa, the national card, the vehicle registration system, market licenses, criminal evidence, and the Directorate of... Identities, and will be able to support ministries and the private sector in data hosting and backup.

Al-Sudani stated that the center accommodates 200 digital data cabins, accommodates future development and expansion for the next 20 years, and was built with high specifications that allow it to continue operating for 30 days in the event of a complete national power outage.

During his speech, Al-Sudani also said: “Our government is a service government, and when service is achieved quickly and easily and we obtain the satisfaction of the citizen, then we have achieved our goal.”

He stressed that speed, accuracy and security of information is required, and that a meeting of the Supreme Committee for Digital Transformation was held to emphasize the importance of not dispersing efforts through the large number of committees.

He stressed that his directives include dealing with everything issued by the Supreme Committee for Digital Transformation as a work plan that must be implemented, and that the process of preserving information today depends on a cybersecurity system to maintain information security, stressing the necessity of keeping pace with the acceleration in electronic development, and the importance of data sharing between ministries and institutions. Various, to be provided to the Ministry of Planning, the Central Bank, and the Social Protection Network.

Al-Sudani concluded his speech by emphasizing that sharing information enables dealing with crime with quick measures, and that the readiness of information will increase performance in tracking down criminals. LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Frank26 Article: "Parliamentary Finance confirms the readiness of the budget tables for voting in Monday’s session" I BELIEVE IN JUNE 3rd FOR MANY THINGS TO COME TOGETHER.

Militia Man The House of Representatives will vote next Monday on the budge schedules...We've been waiting for it... Is it important? Is it not important? Obviously it's a focus. Article Quote: "Mustafa ... announced the House of Representatives intends to vote on the financial budget tables for the year of 2024...It will be held at 3:00 in the afternoon on Monday."

CHINA: Economic & Industrial Rise, West Asia Geopolitics, BRICS Blockchain |Prof. Warwick Powell

Lena Petrova: 6-1-2024


The Fed's Rate Cut Deception Just Got Exposed

Atlantis Report: 6-1-2024

The Federal Reserve's decisions about interest rates have significant implications for the entire economy.

There is increasing anticipation about the possibility of the Fed reducing interest rates, usually seen as a way to stimulate economic growth and prosperity.

However, as the discussion heats up, many experts have noted that the Fed might be using a bait and switch strategy, where the Fed's promises of economic boosting rate cuts may not be what they seem.

This unsettling possibility has caused concern in the financial community, leading to scrutiny and skepticism from consumers, businesses, and economic experts.


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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Afternoon 6-1-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

"Liquidity in U.S. financial markets is starting to dry up, which could it make it difficult for stocks and other risky assets to advance from here, according to analysts at JPMorgan."

This has been going on since the end of March 2024. If you remember, this was the time banks were no longer going to receive free liquidity going forward. 👇

"The Federal Reserve Board announced that the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) will cease making new loans as scheduled on March 11. The program will continue to make loans until that time and is available as an additional source of liquidity for eligible institutions."

This lack of liquidity has reached its tipping point. And now, we have reached a contracting phase in the markets. It appears that old money has reached its limits.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Afternoon 6-1-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

"Liquidity in U.S. financial markets is starting to dry up, which could it make it difficult for stocks and other risky assets to advance from here, according to analysts at JPMorgan."

This has been going on since the end of March 2024. If you remember, this was the time banks were no longer going to receive free liquidity going forward. 👇

"The Federal Reserve Board announced that the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) will cease making new loans as scheduled on March 11. The program will continue to make loans until that time and is available as an additional source of liquidity for eligible institutions."

This lack of liquidity has reached its tipping point. And now, we have reached a contracting phase in the markets. It appears that old money has reached its limits.

There are currently over 450 London Metal Exchange approved Warehouses around the world, and their numbers are continuing to grow. They are located across the USA, Europe, and Asia.

These active locations are ready to serve the needs of the new digital asset-based trading system. Gold and other precious metals have been on the rise since the beginning of this year. The time has come for gold's new role in our world to awaken. Market Watch LME Financial Express

Gold is the new liquidity. Gold will set us free.

© Goldilocks




The race toward instant payments has now begun. The new MICA regulations have set everything in motion. |The Paypers


Russian Commodity Companies Using Stablecoins To Settle With Chinese Counterparts: Report |Daily Hodl

Russian Commodity Companies Announcement:

Russian commodities firms are reportedly using the top stablecoin USDT to execute financial transactions with Chinese companies.

Bloomberg, citing “top executives at the companies,” reports that at least two metals producers in Russia use the Tether-issued stablecoin and other crypto assets to facilitate cross-border transactions with clients and suppliers in China.


RBI relocates 100 tonnes of gold from UK to its Indian vaults: Report |LiveMint

RBI relocated over 100 tonnes of gold from UK to India for logistical and storage reasons, hinting at more gold entering the country soon. This move follows RBI's recent acquisition of 27.5 tonnes, increasing its total gold holdings to 822.1 tonnes by March.


SEC Announcement:

Washington D.C., May 31, 2024 —
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Investor Advisory Committee will hold a virtual public meeting on June 6, 2024, at 10 a.m. ET. The meeting will be webcast on the SEC website. SEC

The committee will host two panels:

* Examining the New Frontier for Investment Advice

* AI Regulation: Embracing the Future

The committee will also discuss potential recommendations regarding the Protection of Self-Directed Investors when Trading Complex Products and Utilizing Complex Strategies and Financial Literacy and Investor Education.

The Investor Advisory Committee, which focuses on investor-related interests, advises the Commission on regulatory priorities and various initiatives to help protect investors and promote the integrity of the U.S. securities markets. Established by the Dodd-Frank Act, the Committee is authorized by Congress to submit findings and recommendations to the Commission.


Fed’s Wait-and-See on Rate Cuts Supported by Worst 6-Month “Core” & “Core Services” PCE Inflation since mid-2023 |Wolf Street


The UK recently conducted aconsultationabout itsDigital Securities Sandbox(DSS), which eases legal requirements for central securities depositories. The aim is to enable tokenization initiatives to issue, trade and settle digital securities. |Ledger Insights


BIS shares how Project Agorá aims to tokenize correspondent banking -Ledger Insights - blockchain

Bank for International Settlements Announcement:

Last month the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub unveiledProject Agorá, its ambitious project with seven central banks to transform cross-border payments with tokenization. It proposes using aUnified Ledgerinvolving wholesale central bank digital currencies (wCBDC) and tokenized deposits on a shared infrastructure to execute payments. Today the BIS released a short paper on“Next generation correspondent banking“, which outlines the vision for Agorá. A large part of that relates to how compliance is dealt with.


Securities & Futures Commission of Hong Kong Announcement |Finance Magnates

SFC Warns of June 1 Deadline: Comply or Face Legal Consequences

Virtual asset trading platforms must be licensed by June 1, 2024, or face criminal charges

The regulator urges investors to trade only on licensed platforms.


First Green Security Token Offering for New Energy Vehicles Charging Network in Hong Kong -The Tokenizer


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SNL Q & A roomwill be open at 8 pm ET, 7 pm CT, and 5 pm PT to ask questions that will be answered on the call!

The call will be recorded and you can find it in theArchive Call Roomafter the call is over.


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CandyKisses: Al-Sayhood: The UN Security Council vote to end the work of UNAMI is a historic victory for Iraq, its people and its government

Saturday 01, June 24

Baghdad /Nina/ The Secretary-General of the Assembly / generations / MP Muhammad Saadoun Al-Sayhoud The vote of the United Nations Security Council to end the work of the UNAMI mission is a historic victory for Iraq, its people and its government.

Al-Sayhoud explained in a press statement today: "The termination of the work of the UNAMI mission in Iraq in 2025 came after a government effort and constructive and purposeful dialogues that established to the world that Iraq is able to manage the country by itself without any need for UN intervention, especially what Iraq is witnessing under the government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani of political, security, economic, development, investment, service as well as diplomatic stability."


CandyKisses: Al-Sayhood: The UN Security Council vote to end the work of UNAMI is a historic victory for Iraq, its people and its government

Saturday 01, June 24

Baghdad /Nina/ The Secretary-General of the Assembly / generations / MP Muhammad Saadoun Al-Sayhoud The vote of the United Nations Security Council to end the work of the UNAMI mission is a historic victory for Iraq, its people and its government.

Al-Sayhoud explained in a press statement today: "The termination of the work of the UNAMI mission in Iraq in 2025 came after a government effort and constructive and purposeful dialogues that established to the world that Iraq is able to manage the country by itself without any need for UN intervention, especially what Iraq is witnessing under the government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani of political, security, economic, development, investment, service as well as diplomatic stability."

He added: "The entire international community has placed its confidence in Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, especially after the international, regional and Arab openness and its positive effects in the advancement and advancement of Iraq and its auspicious and influential return as an important and effective element in the Arab, regional and international environment and its great participation in solving important issues and spreading the principles of brotherhood, peace and stability in the region and the world, distancing oneself from external conflicts and moving away from the policy of axes."

CandyKisses: Iraq announces the arrival of approximately 24,400 pilgrims to the Holy Land so far

Economy News - Baghdad

Today, Friday, the Supreme Commission for Hajj and Umrah counted Iraqi pilgrims traveling by land and air to the Holy Land, while confirming the existence of coordination with the Central Bank and banks to sell dollars to pilgrims at the official rate

"The voyage process is continuing, whether by air through Baghdad, Najaf, Basra, Erbil, Sulaymaniyah and Kirkuk airports to Madinah airport - Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz airport, directly, as well as the voyage through the Arar border crossing, where pilgrims are escorted by security forces to the Arar border crossing," said spokesman Hassan Fahd al-Kinani.

Al-Kinani added that "pilgrims pass through the city of pilgrims and Umrah performers, which was established in a record period not exceeding sixty days, and there are all the amenities that the pilgrim needs, and it contains restaurants, a bakery, a factory for the production of crystal ice, and a dream, where breakfast, lunch and dinner are served when the pilgrim stays there, and then at the Arar border crossing, where the procedures are easy and easy."

"The number of pilgrims traveling by land and air to the Holy Land has reached about 24,400, half of whom are now in Medina and the other half have moved to Mecca after visiting the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)," he said.

Regarding coordination with the Central Bank to obtain the dollar, Al-Kinani explained that "there is coordination with the Central Bank, Al-Rasheed and Rafidain Banks, and the Hermit Bank, which has been since the beginning of the regiment in the process of exchanging dollars to pilgrims, in addition to the Iraqi Trade Bank and exchange companies, all of which are on the official website of the Commission. Any pilgrim to the Holy Land can access the official website of the Commission through social networking sites or on the official website of the Commission in order to know where to sell dollars at the official rate for for pilgrims of Baghdad and the provinces."


TishwashL Al-Sudani: “The development road” means linking the East to Europe through Iraqi lands

Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, confirmed that the development road project means, according to current market equations and international trade movement, a link between the East and Europe through Iraqi and Turkish lands together.

Al-Sudani, during an interview conducted by Anatolia Agency, said: In the beginning, we must look historically at Iraq’s role in trade between the East and the West over many centuries, and I am not exaggerating if I say that since prehistoric times, Mesopotamia has been an easy trade corridor whose paths trade caravans prefer to follow. And standing and trading with its metropolises, cities and urban centres.”

He stressed that the path of development is essentially to restore this historical role, and linking the port of Al-Faw to the Turkish border means, according to current market equations and international trade movement, a link between the East and Europe via Iraqi and Turkish lands together.
The Prime Minister explained that the region is witnessing conflicts and tensions that recede at times and escalate at other times, and this prompts us to focus efforts on projects that overlap in interests and overlap in benefits.

He added: The Development Road will provide an opportunity for the emergence of industrial cities on both sides of it, which will complement the trade passing through it. Later this year, we will inaugurate the first berths at Al-Faw Port, and the flow of goods through the Development Road route will begin initially.”

He continued, saying: All indicators, economic readings and feasibility studies, say that this corridor is the least expensive and fastest among the rest of the corridors. We do not say that it is an alternative, but rather regional and international trade really needs a path of development, as it is a linking project that promotes overlap in interests and causes of economic sustainability.

Following President Erdogan's visit to Iraq, Turkish Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Oraloglu said that with the operation of the development road, the volume of trade with Iraq will increase from $20 billion to $30-40 billion.

Regarding the future volume of bilateral trade between Turkey and Iraq, which is currently estimated at about 20 billion dollars, the Prime Minister of Iraq said: The increase in the volume of bilateral trade with Turkey can be expanded vertically, but we are seeking vertical expansion as well. In short, this is the role of the Development Road Project and the projects attached to it. “

He added: Experience and history have proven that the progress of a country alone and in isolation from its neighbourhood, is something that carries an unknown future despite all possibilities and conflicts. Therefore, we focus on increasing the capacity of exchange and actual partnership (with Turkey) is the guarantor of stability and deep, long-term relations.

He continued: In our relationship with our Turkish brothers, we also focused on one of the most promising sectors in investment and cooperation, which is the agricultural sector, and soon we will witness practical steps in this aspect, and the participation of Turkish companies.”

Regarding investments in Iraqi gas fields, the Prime Minister of Iraq said, in his interview with Anadolu: “Gas investment is a strategic test for Iraq, and our national wealth must be optimally employed in serving our people and development plans.”
He added: It is not possible to continue burning gas, firstly due to the waste of this wealth that can be benefited from, and secondly due to the environmental effects. We announced a special round of licenses to invest in gas fields.

He continued, saying: We plan for Iraq to be self-sufficient in domestic gas production within 3 years, and Iraq is moving confidently to be an important element in the gas market within 5 years, and we will achieve self-sufficiency in this material at the expense of electricity production.

The Prime Minister of Iraq said: Specialists know that the existence of a technological base for gas investment is at the same time a base for the broadest petrochemical industries, and this is what we seek.”

Regarding potential partnerships in these investments, the Prime Minister of Iraq indicated that the doors are open to every reputable and specialized company that wishes to participate in this sector, and we also welcome regional companies because they will expand the base of cooperation in other areas.

He added: It is important to understand that gas investment means providing additional resources for development in Iraq, which are resources that can be invested in various promising economic rights, and these areas will be open to the participation of Turkish companies and companies of other friendly countries.

Iraq's current production of natural gas is about 2.7 billion cubic feet, and according to previous estimates, Iraq has a reserve of 132 trillion cubic feet of gas, of which 700 billion cubic feet were burned, as a result of the weak ability to exploit it.

Regarding the flow of Iraqi oil, the Iraqi Prime Minister explained that stopping the pumping of Iraqi oil extracted from the fields of the Kurdistan region of Iraq is undoubtedly a loss for Iraq, and at least it is the loss of an expected benefit that can support development plans in the provinces of the region and strengthen the Iraqi economy as a whole.

He added: He added: We took the initiative to find acceptable settlements and legal solutions and solutions after a thorough legal study, but the matter is surrounded by a legal obligation, because the Federal General Budget Law requires calculating the cost of producing one barrel of oil in all fields to be within the national average of the cost of production, which is around $8 per barrel, according to what was announced. Federal Ministry of Oil.

He continued: But the Ministry of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government, and within the contracts signed with the oil company operating there, the cost of production is calculated at around $26 per barrel, and we suggested to Imam that the budget law be amended, or that the agreements and contracts with these companies be amended.”

The Prime Minister of Iraq continued, saying: From this standpoint, companies stopped production, as the ban did not come from the federal government, and we are waiting for a solution to be found. The companies refused to amend the contracts, while the regional government agreed.

He explained that for these reasons, more work is required to find a legal solution that first ensures the rights of Iraq and its people to its wealth.
He added: As for transporting Basra oil through Turkish ports, the matter is subject to study and determining the economic feasibility first of all.

Currently, Iraq’s oil production is approximately 4 million barrels per day, according to data from the Ministry of Oil and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), while it imports about 25 million liters of gas oil, gasoline, and white oil daily, in addition to natural gas.

According to previous statements by Al-Sudani, Iraq intends to be self-sufficient in oil derivatives, stop imports, and save $3.2 billion link

Mot: Can You Believe This!!??? -- I'm Still Wondering What Happened to March!!!

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Mot: . Finally !!! -- the Seniors Version of ~~~~~ facebook

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